16 - "show after show"

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j0rdn so proud <3
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tracyminajj back on the road...
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lilpeep ...show after show
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"I love you peep!"

"Great show guys!"

"Can you sign this?"

There's a crowd of people surrounding Gus and Tracy after the show, making it hard for us to push our way through to the venue's exit. A few fans smile at me as if they recognize me, but for the most part I'm shoved around as people try to get closer to Gus. He doesn't seem to pay any attention to my struggles in the crowd as he converses with people and signs girls' tits. It's not that I'm jealous in any way, I just want to get back to the bus so I can finish my assignment that was due by the next morning. We finally make it out of the stuffy venue, and the cool night air wraps its way around me as I follow the rest of the bodies outside.

"Hey, the night's still young, right?" I hear Tracy say to Gus.

"Mhmm, hey, do you guys wanna come back to the bus with us and drink and stuff?" Gus asks the group of about 8 or so fans that had followed them out.

Everyone eagerly agrees and they begin heading to the parking lot where the bus was, leaving me behind. I feel dumbfounded as I realize what just happened. I take a second to settle myself down before following the group of people to the bus, realizing that I don't have a choice in whether or not this happens. Gus pulls out a cooler from inside filled with bottles and people start drinking and socializing with him. I walk past him and make my way into the bus, where Tracy is pulling out hard alcohol from the cabinets above.

"Dude, why the hell did you guys invite those people?" I ask, not hiding the way I feel.

"Don't trip J, we just wanna party a lil bit since the tour is going so well. They won't stay late, trust me," he says, grabbing what he needs and exiting the bus. I roll my eyes and head to the back, sliding the door shut that separates the sleeping area from the rest of the bus.

A/N: I'm so sorry that this is so short, I really wanted to get a lil something out so I could say thank you for 1k reads!! I really appreciate all the votes and support <3 this story isn't anywhere close to being done, so thank you all for bearing with the inconsistent updates :( my school year is almost done, which means I'll have a lot of extra time to write! ily all

teen romance - LIL PEEPWhere stories live. Discover now