Chapter one

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Natasha POV:

I woke up and turned my face towards the alarm clock on my nightstand to see that it was only 5.30 a.m. For most people that might seem way too early, especially for a Sunday morning but for me, it was unusually late. Consequence of having nightmares almost every night I guess.
I got up from my bed, went to my bathroom to brush my teeth and got ready to go train.

I entered the empty training room, put my bag on one of the seats and immediately started stretching.
After a good thirty minutes of throwing punches at a training dummy, I started feeling a bit thirsty. I opened my bag, only to realize that I forgot to bring a bottle of water with me. I sighed and got out of the training room, making my way to the kitchen. I was almost there and as I decided to look at the watch around my right wrist to check what time it was, I suddenly bumped into something, or rather someone. Judging by the person's silhouette and the fact the only person who could be up this early besides me was Steve, I quickly identified who it was.

"Man, Rogers! You should really consider wearing glasses. It's normal for people your age you know" I said with a smirk on my face as soon as our eyes met.

Steve rolled his eyes at me before answering: "HA.HA. Sorry, I just wasn't looking where I was going. In my defense, it's not like there are a lot of people lurking in the hallways this early in the morning anyway." He stopped, before adding "Besides, why didn't you try and avoid running into me Miss perfect sight?"

"I was so busy thinking about how perfect my sight is that I actually wasn't looking" I answered back, playfully rolling my eyes at him as well.

Then, I walked passed him into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle a water in the fridge. As I got out, I saw Steve, who apparently had decided to wait for me, leaning on the wall.

"Going back to the training room?" he asked me.

"Yep, just came to get some water"

He nodded and we started walking towards the training room in silence.
When we got there, we both decided to start training on our own first, me with my dummy and him with his punching bag.

After a while, he turned around and looked at me. "You up for a little sparring match Romanoff ?"
"Always" I answered, a slight smirk on my face.

And we spent about half an hour throwing punches at each other, until we were both exhausted and satisfied with our training. We got out of the training room at the same time and both went back to our respective rooms to shower and change.

I came back down to the dining room and saw everyone seated and talking while eating breakfast. I greeted them all before making my way towards the kitchen to grab something to eat.

I saw Steve in front of the stove making what looked like pancakes and he turned around at the sound of someone entering the room.

"There you are" he said with a smile, before adding "I'm almost done making pancakes and I think I might have made way too many for me to eat them by myself. Want some?"

"Oh yeah sure, thank you. I really didn't feel like making something for myself to be honest" I said, laughing a bit.

Steve let out a small laugh and smiled at me, putting a plate full of pancakes on the kitchen table and I helped him clean the kitchen utensils he used to cook. Then, he took the plate and we joined everyone else in the dining room.

We sat next to each other at the now full big table and started eating, while talking to our friends.

"Rogers, why is Natasha the only one enjoying your cooking skills? When are you gonna make me breakfast huh?" said Sam, which made us both laugh.

"He didn't make me breakfast. He just happened to have made too many pancakes for one person" I told him with a shrug.

"Yeah right, and why does the other person have to be you every time it happens?" he answered, an eyebrow raised.

"Just stop being so jealous Sam, will you?" I said with a smirk and Steve nodded before adding " Yeah, jealousy really doesn't look good on you buddy" and we both started laughing again.

Sam just rolled his eyes at us, trying his best not to laugh too and went back to his conversation with Wanda.

Steve and I finished eating the pancakes while playing tic tac toe on tissues, with two pens we found on the table. No need to say that I won.


Alright guys, that's it for the first chapter. Thank you for reading :)
Hope you liked it. I had fun writing it haha.
Please let me know what you think in the comments !!
And don't forget to vote 😉

The next chapter is going to be uploaded soon, I think. I kinda have it in mind already!

See ya

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