Chapter eight

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Steve POV:

I was heading down to grab a drink in the kitchen when I heard a sound coming from Nat's room.

I approached the room, the sound getting louder. I put my ear on the door, and tried to be as quiet as possible.

Nat was singing. I didn't recognize the song but she sounded amazing. I stayed there, enjoying her voice, a smile on my face. That woman is never going to stop surprising me.

When she stopped singing, I saw the door handle move and I had just enough time to remove my head. The door opened to a Natasha with a confused look on her face as her eyes landed on me.

"Oh hey, sorry. I was passing by and I heard you singing so-" I said, scratching the back of my neck.
"Wait! How long have you been standing there?"
"I don't know, not for long?" I answered, still nervous.
"So you heard me singing and you decided to stand in front of my door to listen to me?" she said, crossing her arms with an eyebrow raised.

She just looked at me, I could tell she was amused by the situation.

"You sounded great by the way. I didn't know you could sing" I told her with a small smile, slowly starting to feel less nervous.

"Oh hum, thanks" she said before letting out a chuckle. "There are still a lot of things you don't know about me Rogers." She finished, throwing another of her flirty winks at me.

I tried to avoid it but I could already feel my cheeks getting hot.

"I would love to learn about all those things" I quickly whispered accidentally.

When I realized what I had just said, my eyes widened and I looked at her, waiting for her reaction.

"Sorry, what did you say? My hearing is not that good you know"

I sighed, relieved, and smiled, shaking my head.

"It's nothing, forget it"
"Alright." she said, looking at me suspiciously. "Where were you going anyway?" she added.
"I just wanted to grab something to drink in the kitchen"
"Okay. I was a bit thirsty too actually."

And we started making our way to the kitchen.

*** the next day ***

I was on my way to Nick Fury's office. When I got there I saw Nat, already standing in from of him, the both of them waiting for me.

"I got a new mission for you two." he said, looking at the both of us.

"The mission itself is quite simple. I need some important information and I need you to get it for me. Here's a flash drive." He threw the thumb drive at Natasha, who caught it with a fast movement of her left arm. "You're going to use it to download all the data from a computer you should find in there." While talking, he used his tablet to project the image of an abandoned house.

"The only thing is, I have no idea where the computer we are looking for is exactly hidden. You have to look for a black computer, with two red spiders on it, each of them at the upper right end of both sides of the device." he added, showing us an image of the computer on the screen.

"The place should be well guarded but you two can take care of that"

We just nodded, waiting for him to finish his briefing.

"Like I said, the mission itself is not that hard. But it could potentially become very dangerous so I want it to be done fast and with efficiency, which is why I'm sending two of my best agents and one of my best working duo."

"You can consider it done" Natasha answered and I nodded in agreement.
"Alright, go suit up"

We both turned around. I got to the door first, held it for Natasha and followed her outside.

"Let's meet in fifteen minutes by the car outside" Nat said as we were walking to the elevator.

I got down first and waited for Natasha.
After about two minutes, I smiled as I saw the perfectly shaped silhouette of the redhead approaching the car.

"Just in time" I told her, hopping in the car.
"Am I ever late?" She said with a smirk, getting in the car as well.

And off we were, to a mission we were not about to forget.

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