Chapter seven

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Natasha POV:

When I got to my room, I put my pyjamas on, brushed my teeth and laid on my bed. I couldn't sleep so I just kept looking at the ceiling.

After about twenty minutes of doing absolutely nothing, I started thinking about a certain tall blond, wondering what he was doing. After another five minutes I found myself making my way to his room.
I quietly knocked on the door.

"Yeah, come in. The door isn't locked."
I opened the door and entered into the room.
"What's up?" he asked, looking up at me, after putting something in his nightstand.

He got up from his bed, went to sit on the couch and I joined him.

"Ah, nothing. I was just very bored"
"Oh okay. Wanna watch a movie or something?"
"Sure, why not"

It took us like ten minutes to figure out which movie we were going to watch.
Soon after the movie had started playing, I started questioning him about that mysterious girl.

"Is it Sharon?"
"What?" he said, looking at me with a confused look on his face.
"The girl you were talking about earlier. Is it Sharon Carter?"
"First, I never said I was talking about someone. Second, even if I was, what makes you think that it would be her?"
"Well, you guys kissed didn't you?" I said, trying my best to hide the weird feeling that gained me as I said that.
"She kissed me, which felt kinda weird honestly. Besides, she's nice but I never actually felt anything for her. I haven't even talked to her in months"

"Mmh" was all that came out of my mouth, and I could feel that weird feeling slowly going away after Steve's answer.
Was I relieved? Relieved that he didn't like Sharon? Could that weird thing I was feeling be jealousy?

I didn't really have the opportunity to think about it, as Steve snapped me out of my thoughts when he started talking again.

"It's kinda cold in here, isn't it? I'm gonna go grab a blanket"

He got up, went to his bed and came back with a large red blanket. He sat back down next to me and put the blanket on the both of us.
We watched the movie in silence, occasionally making comments about a scene.

After a while, my eyes started feeling heavier and heavier, until everything went black.

Steve POV:

I was focused on the screen when I felt something on my shoulder. I turned around to see Natasha asleep, her head resting on my shoulder. I smiled at the sight.
The movie was about to end so I decided to finish it.

When the end credits started playing on the screen, I turned the TV off and put the remote on the couch next to me.
I slowly and carefully got up, making sure not to wake Nat up.

Then, I carried her and made my way to her room, which was thankfully just across mine. But when I tried opening the door, I realized it was locked.

I had no idea where she put the key. She probably had it on her but I didn't want to wake her up or look in her pockets. I decided it was best if she just slept in my room tonight. I put her in my bed and put the covers on her. I stayed there, sitting on my bed next to her and watched her sleep for like five minutes. I just loved how peaceful and adorable she looked. Before getting up and leaving her side, I felt the urge to kiss her forehead.

Then, I took one of the pillows and went to sleep on the couch.

Natasha POV:

I woke up and quickly realized that I wasn't in my room. I looked around and recognized Steve's room. I must have fallen asleep while watching the movie with him yesterday night. Where was he by the way?

I got up from the bed and as I was approaching the couch, I saw him lying there, sleeping.

He looked so peaceful that it made me smile. I grabbed the blanket that had fallen on the ground and covered his body with it.

I decided to write him a note, for when he wakes up and started looking for a pen and something to write on.

I found a pen and a box of tissues on his nightstand. I was about to start writing when something else caught my attention.
The drawer wasn't fully closed and an opened book, or more like an opened sketchpad, could be seen.
I knew that Steve could draw but I had never actually seen any of his drawings.
Although I really wanted to, I didn't know if I should look at it or not, not willing to invade his privacy but my curiosity eventually got the best of me.
I pulled the drawer completely open and took the sketchpad with my left hand.

When I saw the entire drawing, my eyes widened and I felt my mouth opening itself. I was shocked and amazed. The drawing wasn't done yet but I quickly recognised myself.
Steve was drawing me... and it was amazingly well done. I couldn't help the huge smile that appeared on my face. I kept staring at the piece of art a bit longer, looking at every single detail.

I stopped myself from looking at the other drawings in the sketchpad, feeling a bit guilty doing so without his permission and him knowing about it.
I put the book back in the position I found it and closed the drawer.

I took the pen and tissue I found earlier and wrote the note.

« Went back to my room. Thank you »

I made the bed and put the note on it. I threw one last look at the sleepy soldier on the couch and quietly got out of the room.


How are you guys?

I got nothing special to say though, just wanted to say Hi!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

See ya

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