Chapter twenty

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Steve POV:

The next morning, I woke up with the biggest smile on my face.

Nat loved me. We were together. Finally.
It almost felt surreal.

But I knew it was real. I could still see flashes of our conversation. I could still hear her voice saying she loved me. I could still feel her soft, full lips on mine.

I quickly got ready for the day and headed straight for her room.

"Hey you" I said, trying to control the huge smile curving my lips at the sight of my favourite redhead, but failing miserably.

"Hey yourself"

I looked at her smiling at me with a soft smile, almost bashful and the next thing I knew, I was once again lost in those mesmerising emerald eyes.

"Steve, are you planning on actually saying something or...?" I eventually heard Nat say, her voice tinged with amusement.

"Sorry. I um... I was just wondering if you had plans for tomorrow night?"

"No, I don't but something tells me that's about to change?"

"Well, I hope so. That is if you say yes."

"Yes to what?"

"Can I take you out for dinner?"

"Yeah, I'd like that."

"Great. 7 works for you?"

"7 sounds good."


I took her hands in mine and we shared another shy smile.

"Have you already had breakfast?" I asked, after a moment.

"No, I was about to."

"I could make us pancakes if you want?"

"Sure. Thank you."

"Okay" and I smiled for what felt like the twentieth time that morning.

As soon as we got to the dining room, we were greeted with smirks and knowing looks from all our teammates.

I even got a wink from Wanda and a high-five from Sam.
I smiled at them both, making a mental note for Nat and I to properly thank them later for their help.

"So, when is the wedding?" asked Wanda, as we took our seats at the table.

"Wanda and I are looking forward to playing our well-deserved roles as maid of honor and best man" said Sam, a proud grin on his lips.

"Really? It hasn't even been one day and you're already planning our wedding?" I said, rolling my eyes at them.

"You might have been together for less than a day but you've been in love with each other for so long that I wouldn't be surprised if you decided to get married next week." Wanda shrugged, smirking.

"Seriously, all that pining... It was becoming painful to watch" said Clint, the comment making Nat look daggers at him.

"Okay, real talk now : What should their ship name be?" asked Tony.

"Ughhh, our what now?" said Nat, frustrated by our teammates' teasing.

"You name, as a couple." answered Sam excitedly, clearly enjoying our despair over the situation.

"Captasha?" suggested Clint.

"What, no!" Nat yelled.

"Guys, stop. We don't need a ship name." I said, trying to stop whatever was going on, in vain.

They just ignored our protests and kept throwing suggestions.




"What about Romanogers?" said Thor.

"That's perfect!" exclaimed Sam.

The others all nodded, expressing their agreement.

"Romanogers it is, then." Tony concluded.


Natasha POV:

Everything was perfect. The restaurant itself was one of the best I had ever set foot in. It offered privacy, low lighting and such a beautiful, romantic atmosphere.
The food was devine and the service impeccable.
Plus, I was on a date with a handsome man, looking at me with a mixture of awe, disbelief, affection and love in his beautiful eyes.

We were enjoying ourselves, enjoying each other's company. Teasing each other, bantering, sharing anecdotes or simply enjoying the most comfortable of silence. Exchanging looks, shy smiles and soft touches.

"What?" I stopped the fork halfway to my mouth, distracted by the look on Steve's face. A look so intense, filled with so much love and affection that I couldn't help the tint of red suddenly covering my cheeks.

I set the fork down and waited for him to talk.

"You just...look really happy" he whispered.

I contemplated the idea of teasing him, telling him about how my delight was only due to the amazing food and wine we had been consuming. But I eventually opted for honesty.

"I am really happy."

Steve's eyes got a little brighter, his smile wider. I reached out with my right hand, claiming Steve's left hand and locking our fingers together on the table.

"You make me very happy" I said quietly.

"I'm glad."

"Me too." I smiled and squeezed his fingers with my own.

We stayed like that for a long moment, completely lost in each other's eyes, before remembering our surroundings and returning to our food.

Later that night, as we got back to the tower and were standing, hands linked, in the elevator to get to our rooms, I turned to Steve and squeezed his fingers to get his attention.

"And you?" I asked.

"What about me?"

"Are you happy, Steve?"

He wrapped his arms around my waist, keeping me closer.

"You have no idea..." he whispered, before closing the small distance between our lips. We met each other in a soft, slow kiss. Slow but deep and intoxicating. A kiss filled with love.
A silent promise for a future together.


Hi guys.
It's been a while...

Sorry for taking so long to update.
This month has been pretty tough for me and I just needed time for myself.

Anyway, I'm finally back with a new chapter that you hopefully liked :)
Share your thoughts in the comments!


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