Chapter four

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Steve POV:

As soon as I got back to the tower, I quickly went to my room to change. I didn't put my suit on though. Natasha told me that we had to wear casual clothes for this mission, which shouldn't involve too much fighting for once if everything goes as planned. I put on black jeans, and a grey t-shirt. Since it was starting to be kinda cold outside, I decided to bring a hoodie with me and put it in the back of the car. I probably wouldn't need it but you never know.

It took me about ten minutes to get ready and then I joined Natasha who was already outside, waiting for me in the car.

"Finally" she said.
"What are you talking about? I took less than 15 minutes to get ready" I told her, frowning my eyebrows as I got in the car.
"Should have made it in 5"

I rolled my eyes at her.

"Nat, it's getting kinda cold. Shouldn't you take a jacket or something before we go?"
"Nah, I'm good" and she started driving.

After about ten minutes spent looking at the landscape, moving my head to the rhythm of the music playing in the car, I heard Natasha starting to talk to me:

"How did it go with Peggy?" she asked.

"It went pretty well. I really enjoyed talking to her and spending time with her. It had been so long." I answered with a smile.

"Good. I'm happy for you. I know how important she is to you" she said, quickly looking at me with a genuine smile on her face, before looking back at the road.

"What did you guys talk about, if I may ask?"
"Yeah, of course you can. And, you know, we just talked about life. She told me about her family and I told her about mine and what life looks like being an Avenger."

Her smile widened as she understood that by my family I meant her and our teammates.

"What did you tell her about me? Only nice things, right?" she said, raising a brow.
"Well, I tried but you know that I don't like lying" I said, with a smirk.

She rolled her eyes and let out a laugh.

"No but for real, you should come with me next time." I told her softly.
"What? No. I wouldn't want to intrude."
"Don't worry about that. I think she would be thrilled to meet you." I said in a chuckle.

Nat just nodded and smiled, focusing back on the road as she was looking for a place to park the car since we arrived at the mission's location.


Natasha POV:

We completed our mission quickly and easily. I loved how efficient the both of us were when working together.

As we were walking towards the car, I started to feel my body stiffen as the cold air was hitting it and Steve clearly noticed.

"You're cold, aren't you?" he said, looking at me with one of his eyebrows raised.
"Nah, I'm fine" I lied.

I could bring myself to do a lot of things but admitting to Rogers that I was cold after he told me to bring a jacket was not one of them.

"Natasha..." he answered, with a tone that indicated that he knew I was lying to him.
"Here" Steve said, taking a hoodie from the back of the car.
"Take this hoodie. It's mine, I took it with me in case I might have needed it but you clearly need it more than I do"

"I said I'm good" I insisted, not willing to give him the chance to tell me "I told you so".

"Romanoff, you either put this hoodie on right now, or I swear I'm going to make you wear it myself" he said firmly.
Well, well, well, I gotta say that that firm tone just made him ten times sexier. Anyway...

He clearly wasn't going to let me get away with this so I grabbed it and put it on.

"Thanks" I said, almost in a whisper.
"You're so very welcome" he said with a smile, obviously smug about his "win".

Urgh, I wanted to punch that annoyingly cute smile off his perfect face so bad. How could someone be so good looking, that's not even fair.

When we arrived back at the tower, I took the hoodie off and handed it to him but he shook his head and said: "No, keep it. I like it better on you."

I raised an eyebrow and chuckled a bit.

"Okay, thanks I guess?"

He nodded and smiled at me.

That night, I may or may not have slept in it but for my defense, that hoodie was very comfy.


Hope you are all doing alright.

Let me know what you think of this chapter. Your comments really mean a lot!!

Take care,

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