Chapter five

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Steve POV:

It was around 9p.m. a few days later and we were all just chilling in the main living room of the tower. By "we" I mean, me, Nat, Clint, Sam, Bucky, Thor, Bruce and Wanda.

"So guys, who is up for a little truth or dare?" said Tony entering the room, a bottle of whiskey in hand.

Some of us were more excited than others like Sam and Clint, but we all ended up playing anyway.
We sat in a sort of circle, on the ground. Next to me, there was Wanda on my right side and Thor on my left. Across from me, was sitting Natasha, next to Clint and Sam. Next to Clint was Tony, with Bucky on Tony's other side and next to Bucky was sitting Thor. Next to Sam was Bruce, who was on Wanda's other side.

Tony was the first one to ask the question and he decided to have Thor as his "victim", who chose "dare" and ended up kissing Sam. Then Thor asked Wanda, who chose "truth" and had to tell who she thought was the funniest of all the boys in the room according to her and she said: "probably Sam"

Soon enough, it was my turn to be asked the famous question.
Sam turned around and looked at me :

"So cap, truth or dare?"
"I think I'm gonna go with truth" I said, kinda scared of what he might have asked me to do if I had chosen dare.
"I was wondering, do you think you'll ever be able to love someone the way you loved Peggy?"

I got to say I was kinda surprised by the question.
It took me a few seconds to figure out what to say but as soon as my eyes landed on her I knew. When her gaze met mine, I couldn't help the small smile that appeared on my face as I was thinking about my answer, a small smile she genuinely returned. I turned back to Sam and started talking.

"To be honest, if you had asked me that a few months ago, I probably would have said no. I mean, Peggy was and always will be my first love and for that, I feel like a part of me will always love her." I said before making a short pause.
"But when I went to visit her the other day, she helped me understand that it was okay to let go." As I finished my sentence, I found my eyes making their way back to the emerald ones they loved getting lost in so much.
"And now, yes I do think that it is possible for me to love someone as much as I loved Peggy" I paused again and started looking at my hands, to keep me from staring at the redhead at the other side of the room and quickly added "If not even more...".

"I'm happy to hear that buddy" said Sam, smiling. You could see in his eyes that he was a bit taken aback by my answer but definitely genuinely happy for me. Bucky had the same surprised but happy look on his face. They all did actually.

"Yeah, me too" said Wanda with a smile, before whispering something in my ear : "I think you really are meant for each other".
I looked at her, frowning my eyebrows, asking myself how she could possibly know who I was talking about and she pointed her finger at her head. Oh right, I almost forgot she could read minds.
I leaned towards her, whispering back: "Thanks but could you please get out of my head?" with a small chuckle escaping my lips as she just shrugged and winked at me with a smirk on her face.
I rolled my eyes at her and turned my attention back to the rest of the group.

Three other persons were asked the question before it was Wanda's turn to choose her "victim". She looked over at Natasha, a smirk on her face and after Nat decided to choose "truth", she asked her:
"Are you physically attracted to Mr Rogers over here?"

"Well" started Natasha and I looked at her, waiting for her answer, "He might be old but he is definitely not what I would call unattractive. So yeah, I guess" she finished, smirking, then throwing a quick wink in my direction and I fought really hard to keep my cheeks from getting red. I quickly looked over at Wanda, who clearly seemed satisfied with Nat's answer.

The game kept going for another few rounds during which we decided to only do dares to spice things up a bit and let's just say, we had a lot of fun.

After the game was ended, I went to grab a drink and as I entered back into the living room, looking for Natasha, I saw her talking to Bruce. I guess he said something funny because they both started laughing and he took the opportunity to put his hand on her thigh. I really didn't like what I was seeing. I let out a sigh from my nose, turned around without saying a thing and made my way to my room.

When I got there, I changed into my PJ's since it was already late and started watching TV but I couldn't focus on the screen so after about five minutes I just turned it off.

I decided to try drawing, which always helped me relax and made me feel better when stressed or anxious or in this case, jealous. I took my sketchpad from the drawer of my nightstand and jumped on my bed. I started drawing the first thing that came to my mind or should I say the only person I had in mind at the moment: Nat...

Hi everyone !

I hope you liked this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it :)
Give me your opinions in the comments!

Peace out

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