Chapter ten

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Steve POV:

"Captain America and Black Widow, if I were you I would drop my weapons and surrender"

There were dozens and dozens of armed men surrounding us, all pointing their weapons at us. There was no way we could fight them all by ourselves.

I knew this mission would turn out badly at some point. Our only hope at that moment was our friends' rescue. But I didn't know how long it had been since Nat sent the message to Clint. I was afraid they wouldn't be able to make it in time to save us. I was scared of what they would do to us if our teammates didn't make it, scared of what they would do to her.

We did what they told us to do. I threw my shield on the ground and Nat got rid of two guns but I was pretty sure she was still hiding a weapon or two in her suit to be honest.
I found myself unconsciously reaching for Nat's hand and held it in mine. I was pleasantly surprised when she didn't try to let go.

A part of me wanted to put her behind me, to protect her as much as I could but I knew she would be mad at me for doing that. She didn't need my protection and I knew that but I couldn't help it.
However, I contented myself with the feeling of our hands tightly held together.

Narrator POV:

Two of the armed men were asked to handcuff the two Avengers.

Natasha tried to resist and in response she got hit in the stomach multiple times by one of them, making her groan in pain.

Steve's body immediately straightened and he started moving violently. He was boiling with rage. If he hadn't already been handcuffed, he would have smashed that man's face with his fist so hard that it would have killed him on the spot.

"Lay a finger on her again and I swear I will kill you" said Steve through gritted teeth. He was looking at the man that had just kicked Natasha with so much hatred that it made him take a step backwards.

"Shut up cap, you really aren't in the position to make threats"

"Touch her again and we'll see" Steve answered, the hatred in his eyes growing every single second.

"Let it go Smith. We have orders to follow" said the other man holding Steve.
He reluctantly did what he was told and Steve and Natasha were led to a van and thrown in the trunk.

After about five minutes, the van started to move, only to be brutally stopped seconds later.

"What, leaving already? The party is just getting started" said Tony, standing in front of the van in his Iron man suit.

The other Avengers had made it in time. They were all there: Tony, Sam, Clint, Wanda, Bucky, Thor and Bruce.

The armed men all started getting out of their vehicles one by one, firing the seven heroes with their guns from everywhere.

Tony, Clint, Wanda, Thor and Bruce were taking care of them while Sam and Bucky started looking for Natasha and Steve. It didn't take long for them to find their fellow Avengers and once they did, they were greeted by sighs of relief and smiles.

"Couldn't be happier to see you. Thank god you guys could make it" said Steve when he saw his two friends.

"You really thought we were going to let you have all the fun?" said Sam, with a smirk.

"Yeah right, I'm having the time of my life right now" answered Natasha, rolling her eyes at him.

Sam and Bucky took their handcuffs off and helped them get out of the van's truck.

"Steve!" yelled Wanda "I think you're gonna need this"

The young woman threw Steve's shield in his direction.

"Thanks" said Steve, nodding in her direction.

He turned his head and saw Natasha take a gun out of her suit.

"I knew you were still hiding something in that suit" Steve told her. Natasha smirked at his comment and they joined the party.

Despite the number of men against them, the Avengers were clearly winning the battle.

"Clint, got another gun for me?" shouted Nat, who had run out of bullets.


He threw a gun he took from one of the men he had just knocked out at her and she caught it in the air with her left hand.

After about fifteen minutes, more than half of the enemies were down and after another ten minutes, only a few were still standing.

Steve was fighting against two of them and Natasha was about to be done with another one.

The man fighting against Nat tried stabbing her with a knife that was hidden in his uniform but she avoided it just in time, kicked the knife out of his hand and knocked the man down with one of her signature moves.

What happened next would be etched into her memory forever:
She turned around and saw Steve punch one man to the ground before turning around to take care of another one. But the first man was still conscious and saw the knife Nat had thrown away seconds ago when he hit the ground. He took it, ran towards Steve and when the soldier turned around, stabbed him in the chest.

Steve groaned loudly in pain but the only thing that could actually be heard at that moment was Nat's scream when she saw him falling on the ground.


She ran in his direction and fell on her knees next to him. But then, the man who had just stabbed him tried running away. She couldn't let that happen. She got back on her feet, caught him and punched him with so much strength and rage that he ended a few meters away, dead.

Then, she fell back on the ground next to Steve's body and her vision started getting blurry. She felt tears coming down on her face and after a few seconds she was crying uncontrollably. Natasha, the one always keeping her emotions to herself, just couldn't do it this time. Steve's life was in danger, for real and there was nothing she could actually do about it. She felt helpless. She was in pain.
Too much pain to be hidden. Therefore, she didn't even try to.

"Steve!! Please, say something!" she cried, shaking his body but it was of no use. He had lost a lot of blood and was already unconscious.

"We need to get him to a hospital." she said quietly, talking to herself.

She turned to the rest of the team, who had been standing there, in shock.


They all got out of their trance at the same time and Clint rushed to Nat's side.

"Yes, yes! Don't worry, he is going to be okay Natasha"

They carried him to the jet they used to get to the abandoned house and fled to the nearest hospital.

Natasha spent the ride to the hospital by Steve's side, holding his hand tightly and keeping track of his pulse.

"Please, stay with me Steve. I need you to stay alive. I can't do this without you" she whispered, tears still coming down her face.


That's it for chapter ten 🤭

Please, let me know what you think in the comments :)
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Have a nice day,

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