Chapter nine

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Natasha POV:

We parked the car in another street near the house so that they wouldn't notice it from there.
Then we started silently making our way towards the entrance.

Suspiciously, there were only two armed men guarding the place outside. They were wearing a black uniform and were as still as statues. One of them noticed us and alerted the other one. They both started shooting in our direction. Steve used his shield to protect us from the bullets as we approached them. Once we got close enough, Steve and I quickly took care of them, trying to make as little noise as possible, not willing to alert the potential other enemies inside, who apparently hadn't noticed the bullets being shot outside, which once again was very suspicious.

We stopped by the door and looked at each other. Steve started silently counting to the three and after a quick final nod, he kicked the door with his right leg.

To our surprise, there was absolutely no one in there.

"What the heck!" I said, still holding my gun in the air, moving around. We should have been attacked from all sides by now.

"This is way too easy. Something is up" said Steve, searching the room with his eyes, his shield still in front of him for protection.

"What should we do? We can't go back without the data." I asked him.

"I know. We have to keep looking for the computer but we need to find a way to assure our safety. I have a bad feeling about this."

"Why not just warn Clint that there's something wrong and tell him he should come with the others if he doesn't receive news from us within the next thirty minutes?"

"Alright. I think that's the best solution we got"

I wanted to send Clint the message with my phone and but there was no signal. Fortunately I had our special agent communication device with me.

Steve and I started searching the empty place.

"Has he answered yet?"
"Hum, let me check."

As if he had been listening to us, the second I took my device out of its pocket, I received Clint's answer.
"Got it" said the message.

I showed it to Steve and we continued looking for the computer.

After about fifteen minutes, we had turned the entire place upside down but still hadn't found anything. We were now in one of the bedrooms of the house. The master bedroom I believe.

"Come on, where is that damn computer?!" I said, clearly starting to be a bit frustrated.

Steve sighed, not too happy about the situation either and said "I feel like we are looking for a needle in a haystack"

And that's when my eyes landed on the sewing kit placed on the ground between the bed and the nightstand.
The sewing kit itself was obviously of no use for us and that's not what had caught my attention.

I noticed something wrong with the wooden floor. The floorboard underneath the kit was different from the others.

I started walking towards the sewing kit and I could feel Steve's confused look on me.


I didn't answer, too focused. I took the kit off the ground and put it on the bed.

I then started shaking the suspicious floorboard with my foot and what I suspected turned out to be true. The floorboard could be removed.

I removed it and put my left hand in the hole created on the floor.

"Bingo!" I said as I felt something that had the shape of a computer with my hand, grabbed it and took it out.

I turned around with the device in hand and showed it to Steve.

"Well done, Nat!" he said, looking at me in disbelief with a smile on his face.

"Thanks. I'm good, I know"
Steve chucked at my answer.

I turned the computer on, cracked the password in a few minutes and started downloading the data in the flash drive.

After what felt like forever, the download was finally over. I destroyed all the information in the computer and tossed it on the bed.

"Let's go" I said as soon as I was done and Steve nodded in agreement.

We rushed down the stairs and as we opened the front door... let's just say that our little moment of satisfaction didn't last long.

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