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Names hold power. In the world of gods, the name Perseus Jackson is a respected name, a name that has the respect of the gods. To demigods the name Perseus Jackson is the name of a hero that has done more than any other hero combined. For Monsters it is a name that brings fear and destruction in its wake. For the wizards, well they know nothing about this Perseus Jackson, or they didn't, not until Dumbledore stumbled upon an old family record. Perseus Jackson...grandson of Voldemort.

The characters are not owned by me, all rights go to Rick Riordan and J. K. Rowling. The cover art is also not owned by me. This story is going to be about Percy (Voldemort's Grandson, of course) Nico and Jason (Only other surviving demigods of the final war, one I made up myself that you'll learn about later.) 

Their personalities I've changed slightly to fit the story. Sorry Harry, Ron and Hermione who will be kind of(highly) arrogant after defeating Voldemort. Yes, Voldemort is dead, and the golden trio will be redoing their seventh year at Hogwarts. Some changes to the story, some people aren't dead, some are. Dumbledore for one is alive (Shocking!) among others who didn't die during the war. So this takes place after Voldemort dies, and Percy and the others just finished their third war which I'll explain throughout the story. 

The pairings will be up for debate except NicoxJasonxPercy. Sorry, love this pairing and have so many ideas for it. Other pairings including Percy, Ron, Hermione, Draco even Sirius and some others are up for debate. A couple of minor(not so minor) changes, and I won't say more, or I'll ruin the plot line. Enjoy the read, comment, just try not to be too harsh! Give me ideas if you have them to further the plot! Thanks, Love all you readers!

Percy Jackson, Grandson of VoldemortWhere stories live. Discover now