Chapter 3

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Riley's POV

I had gone back to hang out with Trenton, Connor, John and Mya the next day. And the day after that. And the one after that. The day's flew by, turning into weeks, the weeks quickly turning into months. I thought as the time passed whatever I felt for Trenton would just fizzle out. I'd told myself I only felt that way because I was hurt after my breakup, that I'd come to my senses and get over it. But it didn't go away. If anything, it got stronger. I was beginning to think he felt something for me too. He always wanted to be around me, especially when the others weren't. He didn't just want to be around me, he wanted to be close to me. Touching me. Holding me in some way. He was very open with me too. He told me about himself, about the others. I felt like I'd known them forever. Trent had told me about how his dad left and his mom was a drug addict. He was taken by social services at 10. He's bounced around in the system a lot. He's currently living in his own apartment, despite only being 17, because he didn't want to stay at his current foster home. He had a deal worked out with his foster mother, they split the cheques 50/50. He said she used her half to buy alcohol. He used his half to partially pay for the essentials. I didn't know how he afforded the full rent. He told me not to ask, said I wouldn't like the answer. He also told me about John's home life. His mom died when he was young, his dad was abusive. Not enough for John to be taken away, but enough that he had a social worker as well. Trenton said they were trying to make amends right now, but it was hard, which is understandable. Hearing about them and their lives, it helped me to understand why they acted how they did. Why they acted out and misbehaved. The other two, Mya and Connor, were simply rebellious teenagers, trying to test their parents. I couldn't connect with them as much. In John, I saw a really good friend. Someone I could trust. In Trenton, I wasn't sure what I saw yet. But I was definitely close with him. My parents, luckily, weren't suspecting anything. Neither was anyone at dance. I'd kept my innocent, good girl act going pretty well. Only one person was starting to see through it. Emily had been a lot more interested in my life lately, but not in a good way. I'd catch her trying to go through my phone, eavesdropping on my phone calls and one time I even caught her following me when I went out. She's been worried about me ever since James and I broke up. I keep assuring her I'm alright, because I am. I've made some new friends, and maybe I'm vaping like everyday, and maybe I have a cigarette or 2 a week now, but I don't drink, I don't get high and I'm still pretty responsible. Of course, Em doesn't know about the new friends, or the vaping or the cigarettes, but what she doesn't know won't kill her. I was sitting in Culture Shock with a bunch of the girls from A troupe when my phone buzzed. I picked it up, glancing at it. It was a text from Trenton.
Trenton- My place tonight for a game night? Everyone else is coming
I'd been to one of their game nights before, during the first few weeks of knowing them. Within 2 hours it had gotten crazy wild. They were all drunk, I was not because I refused to drink, and all the guys were trying to get either Mya or I to hook up with them. Trent had gotten a little handsy, and I wound up giving him a black eye because he wouldn't back off. Needless to say, they didn't protest when I told them I wouldn't be joining them for a game night again. But for some reason, today felt different. Like I could handle more. Probably because I'd hung out with them more so I knew what to expect. But I was also willing to try something new. I don't have to drink still. I'll just loosen up a little more, I've been doing that recently anyways. I texted Trenton back, before putting my phone away and joining the girls' conversation again.
Riley- I'll be there

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