Chapter 4

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Riley's POV

I was on my way to Trenton's apartment after a nightmare of a day. I auditioned to be female soloist today, Michelle having left the studio and therefore opening up the spot. Of course though, I knew I wouldn't get it. It was all a part of my and Emily's plan to take down Amanda. I was thankful to be working on this plan with Emily to be honest, it was distracting her from what I've been doing recently. Right now, I was taking a bit of a detour. I found myself in Parkour Alley, the only explanation being that I wanted to make sure James was okay after I told him not to come to the audition today. As much as I didn't want to admit it, I did still have feelings for him. I didn't want to hurt him. "Hey what's up?" James smiled, noticing me watching him.
"Thought I'd find you here." I replied.
"Yeah." He nodded. "Hey, how'd your solo go?" He asked me. I bit my lip, looking down.
"Wasn't meant to be." I sighed.
"Really? Cause when I watched it, I thought you killed it." James said. I shrugged.
"It's alright. Actually, I have to go. I'll see you." I told him, starting to walk away. I suddenly felt him grab me, turning me to face him.
"I was thinking about our relationship. Our breakup. And I'm not done with it. I'm getting you back." James stated. I furrowed my brows, shaking my head.
"You can't 'get me back' James, it's too late for that." I responded.
"Yes I can." He argued. "And I will."
"It's too late." I said again.
"Look, Riley." James cut me off. "I messed up. I'm sorry. I'm gonna get you back." He stated, grabbing my hand in his. I was shocked, but I was also so happy. All I've wanted to hear him say was that he'd fight for me, and now he has.
"We'll see." I replied, tucking my hair behind my ear. James nodded.
"Thanks for coming." He smiled at me, before running back to do more flips with his friends. I couldn't help but smile to myself as I walked away. For the first time in months, I was truly happy.


Trent kissed my shoulder softly. He brushed my hair behind my ear, before moving his hand to rub my arm. I don't know what the others were doing, I think they might've passed out from being so drunk. I didn't know what time it was either. I could see the sun rising, the first rays of light just peeking through the curtains of Trenton's bedroom. "You're awfully quiet." He whispered, moving his arm to hold my waist again.
"I'm just tired." I told him, shifting in his arms to face him.
"Tired? Don't tell me you've never spent all night with a guy before." He teased me. I ignored him, instead staring at the wall as I thought about what I had just done. What I'd done all night. I don't know why I did it. I just did. "Did you and James not have nights like this? Am I really the only one special enough to have nights like this with Riley?" Trent smirked. "Or am I just better than him?" I continued to ignore him. He already knew the answer. As far as James knew, I hadn't just lost my virginity, and I would remain a virgin until my wedding day.
"We should get dressed before the others wake up. I doubt they'll remember anything from last night, and I don't need them asking questions." I said. I wrapped the sheet around me, standing up and looking around the room to find my clothes. I could feel Trent's eyes watching me as I did.
"You could lose the sheet you know." I could hear the smirk on his words.
"It's too bad I'm not going to." I responded, picking up my shirt before heading into the bathroom. When I came out, Trent was sitting on his bed again, but dressed this time, and the bed was made as well. "Do you have any food here?" I asked, feeling my stomach growl.
"Yeah, in the kitchen." He replied. Smart ass. I rolled my eyes, leaving him alone in his room as I headed to the kitchen. Like I had thought, Mya, John, and Connor were passed out on the floor of the living room. I opened the fridge, revealing numerous bottles of alcohol, some juice and a carton of eggs pushed way back. I took out the eggs, checking to see if they were still in date, before settling on making 2 for breakfast. I started to prepare the pan, feeling this longing for something else. I had actually partaken in the drinking last night, which is probably what led to Trenton and I in bed together, and for some reason some part of me really wanted another drink. The urge for alcohol was strong, so I swallowed my pride, and poured what I hoped was a small amount of vodka into a cup, followed by some orange juice, while the eggs cooked. "Make any food for me?" Trent questioned as he entered the kitchen, myself dishing up my food.
"Nope." I stated, smirking as I breezed past him with a plate of eggs, and a glass of alcohol.

Uh oh 😈 now we need to question who Riley will choose. James or Trenton?

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