Chapter 17

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Riley's POV

I was anxious as I sat in the doctors office. I didn't know what to expect. I was chewing on my thumbnail, unable to think of another way to cope with the nerves. John was sitting beside me silently, taking everything in. The sound of the door opening grasped both of our attention. The doctor came in, smiling. "Miss Carter?" She asked. I nodded. "I'm Dr. Barrett, it's nice to meet you." She smiled. I was surprised by the fact that she wasn't judging me. Not only do I look like a mess with my bleached hair, but I'm very clearly a teenager. I'd think she'd judge me, considering the situation. It's probably because she's getting paid. "So, you say you're 6 weeks pregnant?" She questioned.
"Yes." I breathed, licking my lips.
"Alright, I'm just going to ask you a few questions, then we'll do an ultrasound to take a look at everything." She told me. I nodded again. She went through a series of questions, had I been experiencing pregnancy symptoms, when did I find out, what is my family medical history, etc. Then she had me lay back while she prepped the ultrasound machine. She squirted the gel on my stomach after I had rolled up my shirt, beginning to move the probe around. I looked at the screen, watching grey and black blurs move around. After a few minutes, Dr. Barrett stopped moving the probe. "This is the baby." She said, pointing to a small dot on the screen. I stared for a moment, completely shocked. There it is. The thing that's been causing me so much stress is right there on that screen. I'm staring at it right now. I felt tears well up in my eyes as I looked. Dr. Barrett noticed, glancing between John and I. "I'll give you a minute." She announced, standing up and leaving the room.
"Ri, are you alright?" John asked, rubbing my arm gently. I nodded, feeling tears slowly slip down my cheeks.
"That's my baby." I said, still shocked. "That's inside me right now." I muttered. I looked at John, a smile on my face. "I'm keeping it." I stated.
"Are you sure?" He questioned, looking a little unconvinced still. I nodded my head.
"Look at it. It's wonderful. It's a miracle. It's a baby. It's my baby." I rambled, glancing at the screen again. I sniffled, reaching my hands up to wipe my eyes. "I'm gonna have a baby!" I exclaimed, the smile on my face growing bigger.


"Michelle?" I called as I walked in the house. I heard her footsteps come running immediately.
"How was the appointment?" She asked, appearing from upstairs. I smiled at her.
"It was great." I replied. Michelle's gaze shifted from me, focussing on John, who stood beside me.
"Who's this?" She questioned, confused.
"This is John. He was one of my friends that Emily didn't approve of." I responded, looking between the two of them.
"I'm not anymore though. I cleaned myself up." John told Michelle quickly, his eyes fixated on her.
"Well that's a good thing." Michelle replied, staring at John the same way he was staring at her. It was silent for a minute as I observed the pair of them, before a smirk came on my face.
"John actually just joined Lost and Found. Michelle dances on A troupe, we used to dance together." I informed the pair.
"So you know the jerk that knocked her up?" John asked. Michelle nodded. It was quiet for a minute again, before John spoke once more. "Uh, I'll be on my way, but I'll see you around Michelle." He announced.
"Yeah." She replied, her voice a little breathy. John turned to leave, however I grabbed his arm, stopping him.
"Wait!" I sighed, rolling my eyes. Clearly they aren't going to do this on their own. They need a push. I turned John back around to face Michelle, gaining a confused look from him. "John, Michelle is single. Michelle, John is single. Michelle likes romance, dinner dates and deep conversations. John likes expressing his feelings through music, cheesy shit and talking over coffee. Now instead of pretending neither of you felt attraction the minute you saw one another, you're going to agree to go to Culture Shock together tomorrow at 4. Got it?" I asked, glancing between both of them. John looked a bit taken aback at my bluntness while Michelle's cheeks were turning red in slight embarrassment. "Got it?" I repeated, eyebrows raised.
"Yeah." They both replied at the same time, causing me to smile.

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