Chapter 18

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5 years later

Riley's POV

I picked up my phone, seeing John's contact. I answered the call, putting the phone to my ear. "Hello?"
"Hey! How are you?" John asked me.
"I'm good." I replied, wandering to look out the window. "You?"
"I'm good too. How's the weather?" He questioned. I smiled, watching the waves crash against the beach. One of my favourite things about California is the nice weather and ability to live on the beach.
"It's fantastic. Warm and sunny. We were at the beach this morning." I told John.
"I'm jealous." He replied, making me laugh. "We got snow last night. 10 centimetres."
"Can't say I miss the April snow storms." I chuckled. "So what's new?" I asked, turning from the window as I heard little feet running.
"I actually have a favour to ask you." John stated.
"Okay, shoot." I said, wandering through the house to find the source of the footsteps.
"Alright. Well, mine and Michelle's anniversary is in 2 and a half weeks." He started. I kept wandering until I found who I was looking for, happily sitting watching tv. She wasn't getting into trouble like I'd thought. "I was hoping you could maybe fly in before then. I wan-"
"Mommy, who are you talking to?" Halston asked over top of John talking.
"Hang on a sec John, I missed that last bit." I said into the phone, before turning to my 4 year old daughter. "I'm talking to uncle John." I told her.
"I wanna talk to him!" She exclaimed, jumping up and reaching for the phone.
"Alright. John, Halsey wants to talk to you." I stated, handing the phone to my daughter.
"Hi dad!" She said happily. I smiled, remembering the first time she called John that.
"Mommy." Halston said.
"Yes baby?" I asked, turning in the car to look at her. Every Christmas since I moved to LA 2 years ago, when Halston was 1, we always come back to Toronto and we spend Christmas with Michelle, John and Michelle's family. They're the closest thing Halston has to grandparents and aunts and uncles. John had just picked us up and was driving us back to Michelle's parents' house right now.
"Why don't I have a dad?" Halston questioned. I thought for a minute before responding.
"Well, you do. To make a baby, you need a daddy and a mommy. But after the baby is made, you don't need both. Sometimes you have a mom and a dad, sometimes you have 2 moms, sometimes you have 2 dads, and sometimes you only have a mom or a dad. Does that makes sense?" I asked her. She nodded.
"Will I ever have a dad?" She inquired.
"Maybe some day. A dad isn't always the man who helped make you though. A dad is any man that loves and protects and supports you." I answered. She nodded again. She was quiet for a few minutes, causing me to believe all her questions had been answered. I turned to face the road again, watching as John drove through the snow.
"John." Halston said after a little while.
"Yeah?" He replied, glancing at her reflection in the rear view mirror.
"Will you be my dad?" She asked, her voice quiet. My eyes widened in disbelief. I was completely shocked she asked that. A quick glance at John told me he was too. Finally, he cleared his throat, stealing a quick glance back at Halston.
"I would be honoured." He told her.
"I'm not doing much. Just watching tv while mommy does some work." Halston informed John. It was quiet as John spoke before Halston answered again. "I'm watching Frozen 2. It's my favourite movie." More silence. "I got first place at my dance competition last weekend." Silence. "Thank you! I'll let you talk to mommy now." Halston finished, handing me the phone again.
"Hello?" I asked.
"She got first again?! That's awesome." John said. I smiled.
"Look at her parents. Were you expecting less?" I chuckled, walking back to my office and leaving Halston in the tv room. "Anyways, why'd you call?" I questioned, having forgotten the intention of his phone call.
"My and Michelle's anniversary is in 2 and a half weeks. I was hoping you could fly out before then. I wanna surprise her that you're here. I also wanted your help shopping......... For an engagement ring." He explained.
"Oh my god!" I exclaimed. "You're getting engaged?! This is amazing! Aren't you glad I set you 2 up now?" I asked him. He laughed.
"Yeah I am. Anyways, do you think you could be here in 2 weeks?" He inquired. I took a glance at the calendar above my desk, looking over what I had scheduled for that week.
"I'll have to move some things around and make sure I can still get plane tickets, but it shouldn't be a problem." I told him.
"Awesome! Let me know the date and time and I'll pick you guys up at the airport." He said.
"Sounds good. Bye John." I replied, hanging up and sitting at my computer to figure out how to make this impromptu vacation work.

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