Chapter 25

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Riley's POV

"How was last night?" John asked as I climbed into his car the next day. I hesitated, thinking about my night. About James. About our time in the shower.
"It was fine." I replied, clearing my throat and hoping John wouldn't notice something was up. The back door was opened and James climbed in, followed by Halston. James did up her buckle, before we drove off.
"So where are we going?" He asked after a few minutes. I hadn't told him why I was here, and I guess John hadn't either.
"Um to the mall. I need Riley's help buying something." John answered. I knew he didn't want to say anything because Halston cannot keep a secret.
"What?" James questioned. I handed Halston my phone, along with some headphones.
"Honey, why don't you watch something." I suggested.
"Okay!" She agreed happily, taking my phone and the headphones. I love how naive she is. I waited until she had the headphones set up and seemed to be engrossed in a show before giving John the 'all clear'.
"It's an engagement ring actually." He said quietly. James's eyes widened.
"Dude!" He exclaimed. "You're proposing? Why didn't you tell me?"
"Well I only told Riley. I wanted it to be a surprise, but I wanted her help picking the ring. I also wanted her to document it for me." John explained.
"Yeah, I'm filming today by the way." I said. James nodded, still looking a little weirded out. I can understand though, YouTube is an unusual career. We stopped outside John and Michelle's apartment, and Michelle came out. She smiled at Halston, opening the car door.
"Ready for a girls day?" She asked. Halston nodded happily. James took my phone from her as Michelle unbuckled her and helped her out of the car.
"I'll see you in a few hours." I smiled at my daughter. She nodded, and the car door was closed. Then we drove towards the mall.


James's POV

We had been in the jewelry store for a while now. John had hated all my suggestions so I was just watching at this point. Riley and him were still sorting through nearly a hundred rings. "What about this?" Riley asked, holding up a gorgeous ring. It was white gold, with an average sized diamond in the shape of a teardrop. On either side of it were 2 small rubies. John stared at it.
"It's beautiful." He stated.
"Would you like this one sir?" The store clerk that had been helping them asked. John hesitated, still looking unsure despite the fact he'd said it was beautiful.
"Could you put it on? I just want to see what it looks like when someone wears it." John said, turning his attention to Riley. She rolled her eyes, slipping the ring on her left ring finger.
"Well?" She questioned, holding her hand out for John to see.
"James, this is gonna sound ridiculous, but can you propose to Riley? I want to see what Michelle's reaction will be." He inquired. Riley looked a little shocked, a little bit like a deer caught in headlights.
"Um, okay." I responded. I took the ring from Riley, before I got down on one knee in front of her. "Riley, will you marry me?" I asked. As I saw her watch me, something just clicked.
"Yes." Riley answered. I slipped the ring on her finger, faintly hearing applause. "No no! We're just pretending for our friend!" Riley said, addressing the people clapping. She sounded far away too. All I could hear were the thoughts screaming in my head, millions of them swirling around. But there was one that was the loudest. Marry Riley.
"I'll take it." John said to the store clerk.


Riley's POV

John had texted Michelle to see where she was. She'd said a cafe, and we were on our way there now to pick up Halston. James had been oddly quiet since we left the jewelry store. It was uncharacteristic for him. Maybe he was just annoyed I'd picked the 'perfect ring', as John had called it. John stopped outside the cafe, parking his car. I got out, walking inside. I spotted them immediately, walking over and smiling. "Riley?" Michelle asked, biting her lip. "What are you doing here?" She questioned.
"I'm here to pick up my daughter." I replied, furrowing my brows. What does she mean what am I doing here?
"John didn't say you were coming now." Michelle looked nervous. I had no idea why though.
"What's going on with you?" I questioned, confused by her behaviour. But as soon as I asked my question, I got my answer.

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