Chapter 20

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I love this story. I can't stop writing it, but I've been busy. The only reason I've been posting almost everyday is because of the road trips I've been having. Soon it's going to take a little more time. On that happy note, let's begin with the story. P.S. Shatted in the urban dictionary means owned. Ha ha. Comment, Vote, Fan. 


 I gave the cashier the money and walked out of the store. Eleven dollars gone to waste. It was just too cold for me to fly. The higher I would go, the colder it would be. I went down once to get me a knife to cut some slits and a jacket, but now I had only fifteen dollars left. Great. Fifteen dollars for food and water wasn't going to last me very long. The worst part was that I would probably get lost. Maybe I shouldn't have left Vince, but it was too late now.

I left about half an hour ago, and my sense of direction was horrible. I couldn't find my way back even if I wanted to. I didn't want to. Vince would use his charm to make me crazy again. Besides I didn't want him to yell at me for running away. Then again, scolded for running away was the norm for me. Still, I could never find my way back.

The wind was bring a thick fog in. Zero visibility, but I had to keep moving. If I wanted to find my dad and Hope, I had to push forward. Once I was outside, I cut two slits in the jacket and put it on. After finding the perfect place, I flexed my back and took off.

Flying still wasn't that easy. I looked like an awkward bird instead of a graceful angel. Compared to Vince's flying, I was jerky and sudden. He was smooth and elegant. I was the crazed duck. He was the soaring falcon, but it mostly goes with practice. I'm lucky I could get myself off the ground this time. I kept on flying close to land, but near the ocean. My best bet was trying to find Washington D.C. Then I could fly up north to Virginia.

It was hard to see with all the fog and the wind was blowing my hair in my face. I tried to keep it back, but every time my hands went up to fix it, I would sink lower in the sky. Lower and lower until I was close to the Earth. I just changed the direction and sighed. I needed Vince here. He knew the way, but I didn't. The fog was making it worse, and the higher I went, the thicker it was.

How did birds handle this? It was hard.

I decided to go back down for some rest. I was near the coast, and no one is ever at the beach at two in the morning. I landed quietly and slid my wings back into my back. The waves were crashing against the shore and rolling off of it easily. It was a calm sound. A sound I could easily fall asleep to, but I plastered my eyes to stay open. I can't fall asleep. Who knows what's happening to my father! He could be bloody and close to death.

What if Cairo is torturing him? What about everyone else? It was all my fault. I should have never gone with Vince. I should have never run away from my father. This idiotic habit was ruining everything. Why did I always run? I could never just face things in the eye. Where did I run to anyway? I used to run into the woods and wait until Hope showed up. I always spoke to the plats and told them what was wrong.

Running away was costing me everything. My father, my friends, and Steve's family. I wasn't strong enough, I figured. Running away was something I did to avoid pain. My father actually faced things. He'd take the beating whether he'd win or lose. Now he was taking it for me. He could be dying right now.

“He's fine,” a voice intruded my thoughts.

I turned around to see Hope. She was fine. I sighed and came closer to her. I missed her. She was my guide. She was the light I followed. Now, she held the key to my father. As we just stood here, I thought of Vince. Hope knew the location, but Vince had the map. I should go back for him.

She reached a hand out to me. “We don't have time Faith. Zachariah is on a set time limit. He's going to die if we don't get there soon. He has just two days.”

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