Avni went to live in khanna mansion

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Chapter 70:

Next day avni was packing mishti's thing neela maa came there.

Nm: what are you doing avni?

Avni: maa mishti is sleeping so I thought to pack her bag.

Nm: why?

Avni: maa I am going to live in khanna mansion I have to apologize to him and pacify him.

Neela maa smiles.

Nm: did you pack your bag?

Avni: it is already packed infact I didn't unpack it after coming back.

Nm: what?

Avni: yes.

Avni was tensed neela maa notice that.

Nm: what happened?

Avni: maa I am nervous.

Nm: don't be he will not eat you.

Avni: yes he will not but he will see me like a hungry lion.

Nm: well you did a mistake now face the consequences.

Avni: maa he will never leave a chance to hurt me.

Nm: like you never leaved a chance to hurt him when he was here.

Avni: you are my mother or his.

Nm: you both are my children now come on hurry up pack the bag.

Avni: it's done.

Neela maa goes to her and caress her arms.

Nm: avni he is angry with you if in anger he will say something don't take it on your heart ok.

Avni nodes yes then they hear the door bell.

Nm: who came at this time of morning.

Avni: don't know.

Nm: wait I am going to see.

Avni: I am also coming with you.

Neela maa nodes both went to the hall and saw maid is standing at the door and a post man.

Nm: rani what happened?

R: ma'am there is a courier for avni ma'am.

Avni frown.

Avni: for me?

Avni goes to them.

Avni: I am avni.

Avni signs the paper and take the courier and comes inside neela maa is looking at her Avni open it and shocked to see it a tear falls from her eye.

Nm: what happened what is this?

The paper fall from her hand neela maa picks it and shocked to see the papers.

Nm: divorce papers.

She look at Avni who is in shock she holds her arms.

Nm: avni.

Avni: maa maa he want divorce all over.

Nm: no baby nothing is over see he didn't see the papers yet he just took this step in anger don't worry go and pacify him.

Avni: do you think he will forgive me?

Nm: yes i am hundred percent sure baby don't lose hope so easily I know my daughter she is strong you can do it hmm.

Avni nodes yes and wipes her tears.

Avni: yes i can do it I can't let him go away this time if he will not listen to me and try to leave me alone I will break his legs then i will see how he will go.

Unconditional loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें