chapter 14

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Maggie's pov

Why am I crying? Why would he kiss me? He has a girlfriend and he kissed me. Why does he have to make everything so difficult. When he hugged me I felt sad. a wave of sadness just hit me like a truck. His words repeated in my head "letting her leave was my biggest mistake" what did he mean by that? Was he talking about me? I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard screaming. I looked up and froze. There was blood everywhere, people were on the floor. Gunshots echoed down the hall. I couldn't bring myself to move. What the hell was happening. I looked around and saw a guy with a black mask on. He had a gun in his hand blood covering his clothes. I snapped out of my gaze and turned around and started running down the hall. I was on the 4th floor so I took the stairs. As I was running down the stairs with all the other students when I heard more gunshots. I remembered taehyung his locker was on the 3rd floor that's where he normally is at this time so i ran out onto the 3rd floor sprinting towards his locker. Once I got there tears started to fill my eyes. His locker was filled with blood. I looked around trying to find him and at this point half the kids evacuated. I felt a vibration in my pocket. It was my phone. I answered it without looking at the caller "Maggie, where are you!" I heard tae scream from the other side of the phone "where are you? i'm on the 3rd floor looking for you" i said still looking around for him "i'm on the 4th floor i don't see you" i froze the shooter is on the 4th "taehyung get out of there now. run now" i yelled. I heard a gunshot then everything went quiet. it's like everything was happening in slow motion my phone dropped out of my hand as i started running to the 4th floor then someone grabbed my arm making me turn around it was Jungkook "the shooter is up there we need to get out now" he said with a worried look on his face i shook my head no then yanked my arm away and kept running up the stairs. I got to the 4th floor and looked around. No one was standing. I didn't see the shooter so I walked down the hallway looking at all the people laying on the floor. Then i heard something ahead of me and i looked up and saw someone moving i walked closer and my heart dropped i ran "taehyung" i yelled as i kneeled down next to him "stay with me tae please just wait a little longer help will come" at this point i was a crying mess. I put taehyung's head on my lap. "Maggie i won't make it u need to go i want you to be safe that's all i ever wanted" he weakly smiled at me "i'm not leaving you. You're gonna make it tae you will make it you can't leave me i need you" i couldn't see my life without him if he dies then what i would i do. I had to help him but how. I heard footsteps so I looked up. I froze again. "I guess this is the end" I said, looking down at Taehyung sadly my tears falling on his face as I held him closer. "I love you taehyungie see you on the other side " i said closing my eyes hugging him.

Jungkook's pov

After Maggie ran upstairs I ran back to my class and grabbed my gun. I made a quick call to the rest of my gang then made my way upstairs. I don't know what I would do if Maggie got hurt i lost her once I was not about to lose her again. I made a promise after her parents died that I would protect her. I stopped by the wall near the staircase that leads into the hall and looked into the hallway. I saw the guy walking down the hallway "I guess this is the end" I heard someone say. Wait, that's Maggie's voice. I peaked down the hall again and saw her sitting down hugging someone then i saw the guy raise his gun before he could do anything else i ran out and shot him he dropped to the floor. I looked at Maggie and saw how she was still hugging someone while crying. Then I heard some people running down the hall "boss" I heard someone say as i looked up and saw san and kihyun running to me I ignored them and went to Maggie i put my hand on her shoulder and she flinched "Maggie" she looked up at me she was a mess. That's when i saw taehyung his eyes were closed and he was covered in blood Maggie looked at tae and shook him a little he didn't move "tae wake up" she said while lightly tapping his cheek "taehyung wake up please" at this point Maggie was a mess and started crying harder trying to wake him up i just looked at her not knowing what to do. If only i was here sooner

Maggie's pov

He wasn't moving. No i can't lose him "call an ambulance someone do something" i yelled frustrated i cried so hard that i was starting to choke my head hurt. I was shaking. i really cant lose him after I've known him my whole life. He was the reason why I'm still even here and losing him. I would lose myself. Memories started to flash in my head


"Taehyung, where did you go?" I yelled running around the playground. I was walking by the big yellow slide when out of nowhere someone came from behind me "Boo!" i jumped and turned around and saw taehyung laughing at me "you scared me" i started crying and he hugged me "don't cry cupcake I'm sorry"

"Maggie let's make a promise" I looked up from my books and raised my eyebrow "what kind of promise?" i asked curious "that we won't ever leave each other's side and we will always be friends. everyday ever since we were kids. I was always scared. I never wanted to lose a friend like you. Lets promise no matter what we will always be there for each other and never leave each other behind. We will continue to be the goofy best friends that we are" he looked at me i smiled. I put my books to the side and hugged him "i promise"

Me and taehyung had a big argument a couple of days ago. I haven't talked to him for 1 week. I was currently in my room looking at pictures of us and crying. I would be lying if I say I don't miss him. There was a thunderstorm outside and it was pouring rain. I heard a noise from downstairs so i got up and as i was walking down the stairs i heard someone knock on the door i walked to the door and opened it. I froze, "what are you doing here?" I asked him. He was soaked from the rain and had a bag with him "I'm sorry i shouldn't have yelled at you or said those things this past week not talking to you was hell." he started crying the rain mixing with his tears "I brought snacks and a movie. please Maggie please forgive me" I looked at him and softly smiled even though it was raining I walked up to him and hugged him tightly he dropped the bag and hugged me back tightly "I forgive you"

-end of flashbacks-

My head hurt I couldn't breath. I heard Jungkook calling my name and my vision became blurry as I felt myself slip away from the world then everything went black.

Hope yall like it i cried while writing this.  comment down below don't be a silent reader 

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