The Glitch (Chapter 2)

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The sound of my dumb alarm clock woke me up. The beeping continues as I lazily slump out of bed. I grabbed the clock, unplugged it, and set it back down on the desk. 

"Stupid alarm," I say in a scratchy voice. I open my bedroom door and leave the room. As I walk down the stairs, I trip on the ledge and go flying forward. My head hits a step, sending my feet forward with so much momentum, it flings my entire body to the floor.

"Ugh. Why did I have to have stairs?" I say out loud. I slowly get up and make my way to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and grabbed some milk, and went to the pantry to grab a box of Lucky Charms. I shook the contents of the box into my bowl and shook up the milk. I twisted the cap and poured the milk into the bowl as well. I grabbed a spoon from a drawer and lied it in my cereal. I got to the couch and played on my phone.

~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Once I was done with my cereal, I set the bowl on the table and turned on my PS4. I booted up Help Wanted, and put on the headset and grabbed the controllers. I appear at the title screen again, but this time the giant animals aren't looking at me anymore.

So it wasn't normal. . . I said to myself

I pressed 'Continue' and appeared in the room with the big monitor. I scroll through the games and decided to go with the original game.

I hear a low voice somewhere, but its probably just me hearing things, so I shrug it off.

"Night One, here we go!" I say to no one.

I put my finger up to the button, and pizza slices formed around in a circle, and brought me to a small room that told me to 'Push Buttons' and 'Survive til 6 AM'. I pulled the trigger on the controller, and the screen went black.

I was teleported to a small office. A fan was blowing cool air, and a small light dangled from the ceiling. The phone rings and a guy starts talking.

Probably a message. I think to myself 

A monitor sits on the desk showing the cameras. There they were. Standing on the stage, lifeless. I pressed the different camera buttons, and each camera was static for a minute, then showed the feed a second later. 

Huh. Weird. Are they usually this delayed?  I say to myself. I go back to the stage camera, and the camera statics for longer this time. 

"Oh no! Someones moving!" I say a little worried.

I look over, and there is another monitor on the desk. It's just static. I tap at the static screen, and the glass disappears. The red light on the monitor is now green. Another glowing tape rests in the middle of the monitor.

Where do these keep coming from?  I question myself, really confused.

I tap it, and yet again, it disappears.

My attention is pulled to the left doorway. Loud, fabric footsteps were heard, getting louder by the minute. Bonnie is slowly walking down the hallway. I turn on the light, and there he is. My BEJEEZUS he is HUUGE!!! He is like 8 feet tall! I stand there in shock and amazement as Bonnie stops walking right outside my doorway. As he pauses his walking, he slowly turns his head towards me. He stares at me, and then out of the blue, he jumpscares me, making me scream and fall backward onto the carpet. My heart pounds super fast. 

"Oh my goodness! That scared me so bad!" I say, laughing to myself. I come to a dark room that looks like Foxy's Pirate Cove, but with a monitor that says, "Remember Jeremy". I feel cold. 

"This must be the same Jeremy that bought the game originally," I say out loud to nobody. 

I press the restart button.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip to end of night~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Bonnie won't leave my left door! I'm at 4% power and I'm at 5 AM.

"Please, 6, please!" I say pleading, preying to the clock with all of my might. My power almost hit 0%, just as it turned 6.

"YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! 6 AM BABYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY" I cry out in joy as the bell rang through the building. Throughout the night, I found some coins. They could probably be used for something right?

I go back to the menu and after long hardworking hours that day, I beat the first game, Nights 1 - 5, Parts & Service (If you want me to do a scene for Parts & Service then I will, but for right now I'm sticking with this), and the 1st night of FNaF 2. I collected about 7 tapes, and about 12 coins (just a guess). 

The voice was louder and clearer than before. It wasn't a part of my imagination. I looked behind me, to the tables, and nobody was there. To the left, there was no one. To the right, in the hallway, I saw a disturbing looking bunny character, with a huge smile creeping upon his face as we locked eye contact. He was hunched over waving at me. 

My body freezes in place. My blood runs cold. Every hair on my body is sticking up in fear. My pupils shrink to the size of a jelly bean. My legs are glued to the ground. My fingers go numb. I can't feel it, but I hear my controllers fall and hit the floor.

"hELLo tHeRE, cHilD," The glitched-out bunny says to me in his low, glitchy voice.

My vision goes black, and the last thing I hear before I fully lose consciousness is my headset hitting the floor.

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