The Unexpected Surprise (Chapter 4)

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I was awoken not by my alarm, but by a bang in the kitchen. I sat up in bed, trying to process the sound of pots and pans slamming the floor. I open the blinds and let the bright sun pierce my carpet. I grab my water bottle from my desk and see a note next to it. The note said,

"I'm finally here. With you. Alone. FOREVER. 

My darling, Y/N. You set me free.

I am already inside"

The whole note was creepy, but the last line gave me goosebumps.

"Already inside? What does that mean?" 

Could HE  be here? No way, he was in the game. There is absolutely no way that creepy bunny dude is in my house. Not a chance.

I grasp my hydro flask tightly and hold it with the metal bottom facing away from me so I can knock out whoever is in my house with ease. I quietly opened my door and tiptoed down the stairs. 

Whoever was in here, heard me, and hid behind a counter. It was obvious where they were hiding because I could see a furry rabbit tail poking from one side of the counter. I set my bottle down and crept around the opposite side of the counter, where the tail was and tugged it. Whoever it was, yelped in pain, and jumped and backed onto my fridge. They were wearing a black cloak, and a black hood covering their face.

(My picture was taken down for some reason so I'll just tell you that it's obviously Glitchtrap)

While my enemy was stunned, I grabbed a frying pan off of the stove, and home ran his ass onto the floor. I sat on them so they couldn't escape. My legs on their sides, me holding down one arm, and the frying pan in the other, high in the air.

"Who are you?!" I yell sharply. "Unveil yourself, or prepare to be panned again" I threaten.

The person lifts their hood.

My eyes shrink back into their sockets, and my heart beats faster than Sonic.

Oh no. I was right. It is him.

He smiles a sinister smirk. 

I manage to get off of him, wanting to stay far away from him as much as possible. He pulls the cloak off, and says, "It's ME!!" In a frightful sing-song voice, as he strikes a pose.

I can't take it anymore. First, he starts creeping me out with his warbled voice, finished all of my minigames, takes over my body, and lastly, continues to torture me in real life. I can't hold back the emotional pain and start to cry. I feel my eyes drowning, then being released of that pressure by sending several tears down my face. The weird bunny man stops doing his pose and sticks his two index fingers together in embarrassment. He puts his head down and sits next to me. My head is in my knees, and my knees are in my chest. I pull my head up, and finally, say through my tears, 


I ask him.

"Why do you do this to me?" 

He is quiet for a minute and then says, "Well, ever since I saw you collecting the tapes to put me back together, it made me think you cared about me. I guess that's when I knew I wanted to see what it's like in the real world."

He hesitated, and said, "And that's when it made me want to spend it with you~"

He grabs my hand from my knee and tangles his fingers in my fingers. His face went red from embarrassment. 

I blushed the deepest shade of red. I was shaken. This bunny dude, he had feelings for me THIS WHOLE TIME!?" I also noticed that his eerie quavered voice is gone. It's just a normal voice now.

"Wow. I-uh. I wasn't expecting that. That's nice of you. If you want you can stay here, at my house. But, it will take some time for me to like you back because you kind of scared me a lot. We can be friends in the meantime, but it will take some time. It may not be a long time though, so just be prepared for that time okay?"

He nodded with glee. He stood up, bringing me with him, and said, "Are you comfortable with me hugging you?"

I giggled and said, "Yeah" 

He let go of my hand, and wrapped his arms around my torso, slightly squeezing me, as if he let go, he would dissolve into thin air. I hugged him back and rubbed his back fur. 

"Wow. You're so soft and fuzzy" I say into his chest. He chuckled at my comment. 

"You're very warm too!"

I dispatch from the hug, and so does the bunny dude.

"I'm so sorry, but I never got your name," I ask the bunny dude.

"Oh. It's Glitchtrap, and before you ask, I got your name from your PS4 account."

"Oh. Okay. How did you get into the real world, anyway?" I ask, confused.

"Well, when the game crashed, everything was all messed up. Every file in the game directory, every screenshot, every instance of the game. Whenever he turned off the game, I got sent to a void. When everything went black yesterday though, I saw a blue light come from your headset, and before I got fully sent to the void, my code ran through the wires of your headset, and out through the eyes. I can always go back in, but you need to make sure you don't shut it off, or I will stay in it until you turn the game on again. To banish me from your world, however, is something I hope you never do."

I got a little worried, but why? Why was I worried about this guy? Are you starting to develop feelings already?

"What shall I never do?"

"Never. EVER. Restart the game. Don't ever start a new game. It will erase my memories. This last time, when you restarted the game, I only remembered his name and all of the mean things he did to me. He tried to destroy me. He tried to kill me. But now your here. And I hope that's something you never do to me"

I felt so bad. Someone hated him? Well, I kinda did until I found out he was just misunderstood. 

We sat on the couch and watched a movie sometime later. He tried to cuddle with me, and I reluctantly agreed. He sat his head on my shoulder as his hand was in my hand. His fur was very soft, so I laid my head down on his. After the movie, we talked for HOURS. We got to know each other, did Never Have I Ever, played some Jenga, and showed him my favorite game on my phone to play.

Later, when evening rolled around, Glitchtrap picked up a slice of za' from the box and said, "Where will I be sleeping?" 

I hadn't thought about that. Some of the guest rooms were locked, and the ones that aren't didn't have beds.

"Um," I said, as a thought in my mind made me blush. "I guess you can sleep with m-me"

Glitchtraps face lit up like a lightbulb. "OF COURSE I'LL SLEEP WITH YOU!!" Glitchtrap happily exclaimed, then immediately said, "Yeah sure, that sounds okay" in a normal tone, smiling the whole time. I laughed and went upstairs. He followed me to my room, and I grabbed a shirt and a pair of sweatpants and told Glitchtrap to stay in my room. I changed in the bathroom and came back to Glitchtrap sitting on my bed. 

"Your bed is very comfortable" Glitchtrap points out. 

"Yeah, it has to be that way for a reason. My uncle is kind of rich, so he buys all the best stuff"

I lay down in the bed, and pull the covers over me.

"Goodnight, Glitchtrap"

Glitchtrap turns to me, wraps his arms around my waist from behind, and rests his head on my shoulder.

"Goodnight. Y/N"

Tomorrow is another day. . .with Glitchtrap. . .

(1,369 words! Here ya go! I finally updated)

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