colby had invited me to come over to his house, which i had never been to before. ever since we went to lunch a week ago, we've practically been obsessed with each other. all i've really done is texted and facetimed him. he was really flirty with me but i couldn't tell if it was just his personality or if he liked me.
on my way, the nerves started building up. i was nervous to meet his friends. what if they hate me? i hesitantly knocked on the door, a brown haired boy opening it.
"ah! you're the girl who hit my friends!" he laughed, making me giggle.
"that's me! i'm ayla." i smiled, shaking his hand.
"jake." the boy said. "colby is in his room... it's up the stairs to the right. the door has some weird ass little sign thing on it. you can just go right in." he said.
"okay." i smiled. "thanks jake." i said, practically running up the stairs. i found his door and opened it since that's what jake told me to do. "oh my god!" i nearly yelled, shutting the door. colby was most definitely getting off in his bedroom. thankfully i didn't actually see anything.
"shit, ayla. i'm sorry." he laughed, opening his bedroom door. he shorts were now on, still shirtless, and his sweat was making his hair practically stick to his face. he did look kinda hot.
"i cant believe that just happened." i laughed, a blush nearly permanent on my face. "i just caught you jacking off," i laughed more.
"let's not talk about it." he laughed. "if it makes you feel any better, i was thinking about you." he said, smirking. i looked at him in shock as he walked into his bathroom that i assumed he shared with someone. my blush deepened even more as i just stood there. not even a minute later, colby reemerged from the bathroom. "come on in." colby said, opening his bedroom door.
"i'm not sitting there." i cringed at his bed with a gentle laugh. it made me think of all of the other possible things that may have happened on that bed. probably much more than i could imagine. i knew colby wasn't a virg like i was... and i could infer that he had his fair share of experiences by the way he talked about it.
"suite yourself. we should go downstairs so you can meet my roommates anyways." he said. i nodded as he grabbed my hand to lead me downstairs. i smiled at the action. i mean, he must like me, right? he was thinking about me while he was... getting off. was i supposed to be flattered or grossed out?
"hey, bro." colby said to a boy who was eating cereal in the kitchen.
"oh hey! i'm corey." he smiled to me.
"ayla. i'm the girl who hit your friends with a car." i laughed.
"wow i like you already." he laughed, colby and i joining. looking around the house, it was beautiful. colby made it seem like he was basically poor so i was slightly confused. i liked the house though.
"ah, this is sam. my friend who you also hit." colby laughed.
"yeah, sorry about that by the way." i laughed. "i'm ayla."
"the girl who colby won't shut up about. nice to actually meet you." he laughed.
"are the girls coming over later?" colby asked them.
"i think they'll be here soon." sam said. the girls?
"i'm gonna get a shower. make yourself at home." colby told me, kissing my forehead before running upstairs. he kissed me.
"okay. i'll probably just stay down here." i smiled. i didn't exactly love the idea of having to talk to these boys i barely knew but i wanted to get to know them.
"so, ayla, where are you from?" corey asked me.
"beverley hills. are you guys all from kansas?" i asked them.
"no, corey isn't but the other three of us are." sam told me.
"hey, guys. oh- OH! oh my gosh, you must be ayla! i love your hair!" the beautiful girl who was attached to jakes arm said. "i'm tara." she said, pulling me in for a hug.
"hi." i laughed, hugging her back. i stood in the kitchen, talking to the people who colby called his friends. i could see why though. they're hilarious.
"should we tell her embarrassing stories about colby?" jake asked, laughing.
"oh trust me, i have one that will top it." i said.
"bet." corey said.
"i walked in on colby jacking off earlier." i told them, laughing.
"oh my god." jake said, all of them literally cracking up.
"what are you guys laughing at?" colby said when he came into the kitchen.
"what were you doing upstairs earlier?" sam asked him. he shot a looked at me and i grinned, not being able to keep a straight face.
"that's it, princess. i can't bring you around my friends anymore." he laughed.
the rest of the night was spent with us ordering a ton of food and hanging out. i met kat, devyn, xepher and griffin that night. i got along great with all of them.

prove it ; colby brock
Fanfiction"you're like my antidote. you counteract the poison." colby said, making me smile at him. in which an innocent, privileged girl meets an intriguing bad boy. *completed