1.2 - barbecue.

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"colbs, get up. your family is waiting for us." i laughed, trying to shake him.

"i dont wanna get up, princess." he groaned. to be fair, he did just drive for a really long time to get here.

"i'll go without you... maybe if a silence falls over the room, i'll tell them about that time i came over and you were jack-" i started.

"alright, alright im coming. no need to tell them." he laughed, sitting up.

"what?" i asked him, noticing he was staring.

"nothing, you're just cute." he smiled, pulling me closer to him, making me giggle. he went in to kiss me but i pulled back.

"nope, you have morning breath. i already brushed my teeth." i smiled, kissing his cheek instead.

"you're something else, ayls." he smiled, throwing the covers off of his body. i looked to him, he was only in boxers and his abs were promenante in the morning light. i watched as he made his way across the hall and into the bathroom. i got off of the bed, fixing the comforter and adjusting the pillows. i threw my hair up into a messy bun and at that point, colby was back into his room.

"ready?" i asked, grabbing his hand.

"yeah but i'm gonna need that kiss first." he smirked, leaning in. our lips met and then i pulled away.

"they're waiting for us." i smiled, making him follow me down the stairs. "good morning." i smiled when we got into the dining room.

"good morning." lesa smiled.

"morning." colby groaned.

"hey bro, it's been a while." gage said, getting up to hug him.

"hey." colby smiled, hugging him back.

"you remember gwen, right?" gage asked, colby nodding. "we're actually engaged."

"engaged? congrats bro!" colby said. it got me thinking... would colby and i ever get engaged?

"dad! it's nice to see you." colby said to layne.

"you too, bud. i'm glad you decided to come." layne said to him. "and you must be the reason he's here, huh?" he asked, looking at me.

"maybe part of it." i smiled. "i'm ayla." i said, shaking his hand.

"layne. it's nice to meet you." he smiled.

"you too." i said as i sat down next to colby.

"so where did you two meet?" layne asked us.

"uh- actually, i hit colby with my car... and it kind of went from there." i laughed.

"that's quite the story." layne laughed.

"how old are you?" gwen asked me.

"i'm 17." i smiled.

"no way? you look a lot older. i swear you could be a model!" she said.

"aw, thank you." i smiled.

"so are you still in high school then?" lesa asked.

"i graduated youngest in my class last year." i told her.

"do you have any plans for school or..." she trailed off.

"actually, i'm going to a fashion school in new york city after an off year. i'll be between new york, LA and italy." i said to her.

"gwen is in school for fashion as well!" lesa said.

"what school?" gwen asked me.

"Parsons school of design. i have a study abroad in italy as well. and i'm also going to the fashion institute of technology for modeling." i smiled, very proud of being accepted to parsons and NYU.

"how'd you get a gig like that?" gwen asked. "it's really hard to get into parsons first year."

"well i've had a lot of experiences." i explained to them.

"how did you manage to get so many at such a young age?" she asked me.

"well my mom is head of design for Valentino. so she got me into a lot of runways and everything." i explained to her.


"would you like anything to eat, ayla?" lesa asked me, sitting by colby and i. i had been meeting his family all day so we were taking a slight break.

"oh no, i'm fine." i smiled.

"she's vegan, mom. she can't have most of the food here." colby told her, making me lightly kick him because i didn't want to be difficult.

"oh my gosh! you should've told me!" she exclaimed.

"i'm fine, lesa." i laughed. once she walked away, colby went in to kiss me but i held my hand in front of his face. "not in front of your family." i laughed, knowing it would have turned into making out... and i didn't want them to think that of me, even though i'm sure they think we've done worse.


"do you want to go swimming?" colby asked me.

"sure." i smiled, following him into the house. i was slightly nervous for colby to see me in a bikini, which was very unlike me. i've never been like that with anyone before but i guess it's just first boyfriend nerves, right?

"i'll meet you upstairs, i'm gonna go grab my charger out of my car." he told me. i nodded, running up the stairs so i could change before he came back.

i quickly slid on the simple pink bikini, looking at my body in the mirror. i was nervous for colby to see me in a bikini. i sighed, throwing on one of colbys many nirvana shirts overtop of it.

"meet me down at the pool." colby said after knocking on the door. i took a minute, texting my friends back quickly, before heading down the stairs. i went out into the back yard, seeing my shirtless boyfriend. "hey." he smiled.

"hey." i smiled.

"are you swimming in that?" he joked.

"i thought about it." i laughed. he knew how vulnerable and shy i felt right now and i could tell he loved it. he came slightly closer to me, grabbing the hem of his nirvana shirt that i was wearing, pulling it up over my head. i bit my lip slightly as his eyes made their way down my body. i saw a smirk form on his lips right before he grabbed me by the hips, pulling me closer to him. i giggled before our lips met.

"i swear you're perfect." he said, pulling away from the kiss. i playfully rolled my eyes, kissing him again.

"thanks, barney." i laughed.

"my hair isn't even purple anymore!" he defended.

"you'll always be barney though. that's our thing." i smiled. i watched as colby jumped into the deep end, soon following his movements.

i swam over to him, trying to push him under the water but failing. "are you made of steel?" i laughed, struggling to stay above the water. my 5'4 body was no match for the six foot section of the pool.

"i've got you." he laughed, allowing me to wrap my legs around his waist. he was standing up with no struggle at all.

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