0.9 - oh sister.

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"he's almost here. everyone, please be nice and calm." i requested. i was wearing a thin little pink crop top and a fairly short skirt.

"chill out, ayls. everything will be fine." nicolette reassured me.

"thanks nic." i smiled to my older sister. we weren't that close. she was the polar opposite of me. she's actually a bit like colby. she slept around a good bit in highschool, never being able to keep a boyfriend.

i heard my mom open the door and i knew that colby was here. i internally groaned at the fact that they were probably going to grill him once we sat down for dinner. i walked into the foyer, seeing my boyfriend talking to my parents. he looked extremely chill and it seemed as though everything was going okay. well that's good news. we all talked in the foyer for a few minutes before we made our way into the dining room.

"nic, it's dinner time!" my mom yelled into the living room so she'd come to eat. my parents both went to the kitchen to get the food. i heard her footsteps behind me and then they suddenly stopped.

"what the hell are you doing here?" she spit at colby, making me whip around towards her.

"don't be rude, nicolette!" i said to her.

"we slept together, ayla and then he never texted me back. that's what guys like him do! they use you and then act like you never existed. don't come crying to me after he takes your virginity and then leaves you on read." she said, turning on her feet to go upstairs.

"you... you slept with my sister?" i asked him, feeling hurt.

"we- uh hooked up at a party one time... in highschool. i didn't even know her whole name. i thought it was collete. i was under the influence. it meant nothing. i'm sorry, babe." i wasn't sure if that was supposed to make me feel better or worse about the situation.

my parents came back into the room so our conversation ended. dinner went well. the questions stayed a normal level and i was very thankful for that.

throughout dinner, i decided that colby had actually changed from the way that he was when nic knew him. i mean that was two years ago, and before we met.

"we can go up to my room." i suggested after we finished the dinner with my parents.

"okay." he said, pushing his chair in and following me up the stairs. i opened my door, shutting and locking it behind the two of us. "ooo." he smirked.

"i didnt lock it for those reasons." i chuckled, laying on my bed. colby hovered over me, leaning down so our lips would meet. his tongue swiped across my lip but i denied him access since i had never made out with anyone before and i was too nervous to start now. he squeezed my butt, making me gasp slightly which allowed him enough time to slip his tongue in. the kiss was slightly sloppy at first since i had no clue what i was doing. in my seventeen years on earth, i had never experienced anything quite like this. the kiss got better the longer it went on and i was getting the hang of it. colby eventually pulled away, after like ten minutes.

"you are way too good at making out for that being your first time." he laughed, which reassured me i wasn't the worst kisser ever.

"how do you know that was my first time." i asked with a grin as he continued hovering over me.

"wild guess." he joked, his hand tracing shapes into my bare hip where my crop top had ridden up even higher.

i just had my first makeout session.

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