6.6 - lake house.

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"west is blocking my view." colby joked, making me laugh and roll my eyes at him. we were out on the boat and i was breastfeeding west.

"i'm sorry our daughter has to eat." i laughed.

"daddy, will you jump off of the boat with me?" ashton asked him. she was in her little swimsuit, a pink life jacket wrapped around her. she's a pretty good swimmer but i know baylen wouldn't wear a life jacket if ashton wasn't wearing one.

"of course, princess." he smiled to her, walking over to the edge of the boat. i watch them jump into the water, ashton giggling when she came up for air. "okay mommy, rate our jumps." colby said from the water.

"oh my.... i think i'll have to give ashty a 10/10. very graceful jump. and i'll have to give daddy a 6/10." i said, making a face.

"yes!" ashton exclaimed, giggling as colby helped her back on the boat. hudson and baylen were sitting on the deck, playing with blocks that we had. west was done eating so i quickly fixed my swimsuit, leaning back into the seat.

"that's no fair!" colby exclaimed, pretending to be upset that he lost to a six year old.

"maybe next time, daddy." she grinned.

"hopefully." he said, laughing.

"mommy, do you wanna go down the slide with me?" ashton asked me, standing in front of me.

"of course, baby." i said, standing up and handing west to colby. ash and i walked up the water slide ladder. she sat on my lap and we went down together, the cold water sending goosebumps up my arms. we got right back into the boat, due to the chilly water.

"damn, i swear your body just gets better every time you have a baby." colby whispered into my ear, making me blush and playfully push him away. "after being together for 8 years, having four kids together, and getting married, you still blush when i flirt with you." he laughed, kissing my temple.

"you hype me up too much." i laughed, sitting down next to him, watching ashton sit with her little siblings to play.

"you deserve it though. i mean- that bikini looks so good on you, princess." he said, kissing me, his fingers messing with the string of my bikini bottoms.

"you're making me feel like we're teenagers again." i laughed, rolling my eyes. "we should probably take the boat in so we can eat lunch."

colby nodded, moving over to the driver seat, driving the boat back to our dock. i snapped a cute picture of him holding west while driving, adding it to my instagram story with the caption 'lake day with my babies 🥺 @colbybrock'


"hudsy, you should take a nap before we go back out." i suggested. he was due for a nap and i didn't want him to get cranky while we were on the water.

"i not tired mommy." he grinned, making me laugh.

"okay then, hudson." i laughed. "you can play your ipad a bit." i said, handing it to him. the kids didn't spend much time on their devices, typically when i needed them to go to bed. it always made them sleepy.

"can i play my ipad?" ashton gasped. i sighed, nodding since it wouldn't be fair if i gave hudson his and didn't give the girls theirs.

"yeah... but only till lunch is ready." i told her, handing ashton and baylen their ipads.

colby and i didn't argue much... but when it came to electronics for the kids, we fought a lot. we both agreed that they shouldn't be on them much, but colby thought they shouldn't have them at all. i think certain aspects of the ipads are educational so i like to give the kids an hour or so to learn on them.

"why're the on their ipads?" colby asked me when he came inside.

"they need naps." i sighed, hoping he wouldn't argue with me since i'm allowing the kids to play on electronics.

"it'd be nice to have a little bit of time just for the two of us." he said, wrapping his arm around me and letting his hand rest on my bare hip bone, since i was still in my bikini.

"well needed time." i sighed, leaning into him. with four kids, we don't have much time to just be together. even when we're going to sleep, typically one, if not more, of the kids end up sleeping in our bed with us.


"shrek again?" colby asked, sitting on the couch next to me. all of our kids are oddly obsessed with shrek.

"it was either this, trolls or beauty and the beast again. i think i saved you." i laughed. colby doesn't quite enjoy the beauty and the beast live action movie.

colby still kind of has his hard-ass vibe going for him, but he's really softened up for the kids. one thing he won't budge on is disney princesses. he'll dress up as one to please the girls but god forbid he watches a princess movie. i swear that man could quote the whole trolls movie though.

"i guess this is expectable." he joked, sitting down next to me and pulling ashton into his lap. west was already asleep in my arms. baylen was sat in between us and hudson was on the other side of colby. colby and i always did our best to make sure all of our kids feel equal and included.

we're raising them very open minded. we aren't discriminating against sexualities, races, genders, religions, etc. our kids will fully be their own people. we won't be attempting to influence their preferences. they can be who they want to be and we'll accept them no matter what.

colby not having fragile masculinity influenced our decision heavily. we're very open minded when it come to letting our kids decide how they want to live. he still wears nail polish, and the rings. we let hudson paint his nails when he wants and he can play princesses with the girls. the girls can play with trucks and play football. we don't care, as long as they're happy.

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