when i woke up the next morning, i was disappointed, but not surprised, to see that i didn't have any 'good morning beautiful' texts from colby like i usually do.
it was all so confusing and i just wanted to know what the hell had happened. did i do something wrong? i automatically thought about the fact that he got something out of me and now he was done. and that really sucked, but there is nothing i can do about it. i wouldnt dare ask him about it either.
so i tried to clear my mind of colby and not let myself worry about it too much. if we were done, we were done. i hated the fact that that may be the case but i couldn't do anything to change the situation.
colby ;
i woke up, still in a frenzy. i was contemplating just texting her and apologizing, but i didn't. so i decided to play video games with jake, in attempt to clear my mind.
thankfully, the party is tonight so i could get drunk and just stop thinking.
my hair was completely uncooperative. maybe it was because i'd completely obliterated it by anxiously running my hands through it all day because the only thing i could think about was how i was settling for ayla. and that i didn't want that and ayla didn't deserve that from me.
what am i going to do?
"brother, what's your issue?" sam asked me. "sorry but you look awful."
"you won't be able to tell in the dark." i scowled
i threw on one of my killers shirts, reminding me of ayla. god damnit. i changed into a playboy shirt instead. "i need a drink." i said to sam.
"it's only three." sam said, looking concerned. i only shrugged at him, not caring. "i don't know what's wrong with you but you need to sit down or take a nap or something until you chill out." i groaned and sat on the couch. "good boy." sam said. the patronizing tone making me frown even more.
the hours until the party went by excruciatingly slow. but finally, we were all packed into my shitty red toyota corolla that the pretty girl down the street just had to hit with her fancy fucking vintage car.
upon arriving at the party, i immediately made my way into the kitchen, finding whatever drink i could. i took (what was hopefully) a shot of vodka. whatever it was, i was sure it would mess me up enough to forget about the girl who would stay up until 5am talking about music.
jake watched me, not interjecting since he knew, for some reason, that i was stressed and needed a release.
within the next hour, i managed to get shit faced. stumbling around the kitchen, asking for pot, being desperate for attention drunk. this was good. this was nice. this was what i needed. ayla was out of my mind for the time being. how fucked up is that?
you know what is even more fucked up? that i went into the living room, started grinding on some girl who i knew as heather. what's worse, i let her take me to the bathroom.
we did some very fucked up things in there.
ayla ;
i decided to cancel on my plans to go with nastassia and claire to las vegas with all of claire's friends. i was not in a fun mood.
i had put on a record by the smiths, laying on my bed. simply just absorbing the album that colby had brought for me the one day. i had asked him to randomly pick a record for me so i could listen to something new. i knew the album by heart already, and i think he knew that. he had seen me looking at the album the one day when i was in the store. he claimed that it was a mystery record that he simply just grabbed however i think he just wanted me to own it on vinyl.
everything i looked at reminded me of the boy down the street that i accidentally backed into. the endless records he brought home for me, the sublime tee of his that is currently on me, the plate of strawberries next to me on the bed. because strawberries are his favorite to eat after he smokes. he was everywhere.
i was, regrettably, checking my phone every five minutes to see if he'd text me. i guess it wasn't my lucky night.
i decided to go for a short drive in attempt to get my mind off of things, knowing that my car would also remind, and smell like, him.
as soon as i sat in the front seat, i noticed a call coming through... from colby.
"hello-" i said after answering the phone.
"ayls, please. i fucked up. but i like you so much. don't leave me, please. please, ayla." his voice begged on the other side of the line. "are you there?" he asked after i didn't respond. his words were slurred and he was evidently drunk
"i'm here, colby. what's wrong?" i asked.
"can i come to your house. like right now? i'm only at my house, i'll walk. it's not far." he said. i confusingly said yes, wondering what this could be about. i was waiting in my kitchen for my drunk boyfriend. good thing my mom went to vegas with claire, and my dad was in miami for business.
so that's how colby ended up stumbling up my driveway. he was an actual mess. tears literally falling down his face. i heard him and rushed to the door.
i lead him up to my room, shutting the door behind us. and that's when i saw my boyfriend break down for the first time. i grabbed his hand, leading him to the bed. he finally calmed down a bit, barely forming incoherent sentences. "i didn't mean to" and "it was mistake" were the only two things i got from his words.
"what was, colby?" i asked him, running a hand through his hair.
"i let another girl suck me off." he frowned, looking down.
and then it was silent. i stared at him in confusion. i was nearly positive i could hear his heartbeat. i dropped his hand, the color in his face drained. he tried to grab it again but i flinched away. colby stood up but i simply just looked the other way so he couldn't see my tears.
"get out." i said through the tears.
he let out a whimper, making me wince. i was fully crying now too. "please princess, i'll never do it again, ayla, please. don't- don't leave me." he cried.
"you said you weren't like that, colby!" i mumbled. "you said you changed. i guess everything you say now is a lie, huh? you
lied about everything?" he shook his head desperately "you need to leave. i don't want to see or hear from you- just get out of my house. now."colby tried to touch me but i backed up, acting like he was some sort of stranger. almost like he would hurt me if he got close enough.
due to his drunken state, he let his tears flow freely. he was acting a proper mess, right in front of me. he said i was the best thing that ever happened to him. maybe now he'd believe my words. he turned away, leaving without another word. i followed him down the stairs.
once he was gone, i collapsed onto the kitchen floor, a loud, horrible sob falling from my lips. how could he do this to me? he said he changed. he said he'd never hurt me. he was a fucking liar. he used me for my body and then once he was done, he tossed me to the side. i never wanted to see him again.
i collected myself off of the floor, walking up the staircase. i saw nicolette standing in the doorway of her bedroom, sleep in her eyes. i didn't even know she was back from new york again.
"i'm sorry... i heard the whole thing. i warned you though." nic said, pulling me into a hug. i appreciated the hug but the passive aggressiveness was not what i needed right now.
"i love you, but fuck you." i said, leaning into her hug more.
"ayls, you of all people don't deserve this. just please tell me you didn't let that asshole hit it." she requested.
"i didnt." i reassured her. "we never got to that point." i said.

prove it ; colby brock
Fanfiction"you're like my antidote. you counteract the poison." colby said, making me smile at him. in which an innocent, privileged girl meets an intriguing bad boy. *completed