"i want her room to be very boho inspired, ya know?" i asked colby as we walked through target, trying to make our baby registry for my upcoming baby shower. i love colby, but he's terrible at interior design so i'm thankful that he left all of that up to me.
we (and by we, i mean me) decided that we were mainly going for wooden toys rather than a bunch of cheap plastic toys. that wasn't to say we werent going to be buying any plastic toys but we were mainly going for sustainable toys.
"what all did your mom drop off yesterday?" he asked me.
"like everything we'll ever need." i laughed. "she got us the crib i was looking at, a high chair, two car seats, and she said she got us a stroller but won't be giving it to us until the shower." i told him. "and she dropped off bags and bags of newborn to 12 month old clothes."
"so that knocks half the stuff off of our list." colby laughed.
"thankfully." i laughed. "i already made a registry on amazon so anything else we like here can go on the list."
colby didn't really care much about what we got for our baby, so that was mainly up to me. i just made sure to run everything by him first in case he disagreed with any of it.
"you guys can go pick 5 toys to put on her registry." i laughed, sending them off. jake and tara came with us to add stuff to our registry, and i could tell jake and colby were getting bored.
"okay, now we can actually get shit done." i told tara, moving further along in target.
our target trip went well (after colby and jake went to the toy section) and we decided to make our way to get ice cream. everyone actually wanted sushi but i can't eat raw fish right now so everyone settled for ice cream.
i'm currently 28 weeks, or seven months, so i'm kinda really big now. it's late at night and colby is getting ready to leave for an exploring video. sam, colby, jake and corey are all flying to colorado for a haunted location video.
"are you sure you'll be okay here, princess?" colby asked me, sitting next to lyla and i on the couch.
"co, i have 10 to 14 weeks until i'm supposed to give birth." i laughed. "i think the girls are coming over anyways. if not, i have lyla here." i smiled.
"okay, that makes me feel better." he chuckled, grabbing his phone charger. "you know you can call me if you need anything at all."
"i know." i said, gasping quickly because she started kicking. colby still had yet to feel her kick. "co, she's kicking." i mouthed to him. he practically leaped towards me on the couch, putting his hand where i was pointing.
"oh my god! i feel her!" he exclaimed. i had never seen this man so excited. he talked to her for a few minutes until she stopped kicking. "that is the best thing that's ever happened to me." he said, making me laugh.
"i'm so happy you finally felt her kick." i said.
"me too." he sighed. "i need to head for the airport." he said as i stood up from the couch.
"okay, i love you." i breathed out, standing on my tip toes to kiss him.
"i love you. both of you." he said, kissing my bare belly. the only thing i really wore nowadays was sports bras and leggings.
"oh! don't forget your rose quartz, to keep you safe." i said, handing him a protection crystal. when the boys started going to haunted locations more frequently, i got them each a protection crystal to try to keep them safe.
"thanks, baby. i'll see you in a few days."
"alright, be safe! we love you." i said, speaking for lyla, the baby and myself before kissing him good bye.
"i love you guys." he said, walking out to his car.

prove it ; colby brock
Fanfiction"you're like my antidote. you counteract the poison." colby said, making me smile at him. in which an innocent, privileged girl meets an intriguing bad boy. *completed