after two days, we were finally allowed to bring ashton home. our friends threw us an adorable little welcome home party.
getting into the new routine was a little rough, but we have it, for the most part, down at this point. colby is actually a really, really good dad, which i expected.
as of right now, all ashton does is eat and sleep, which is typical. her sleeping schedule is pretty iffy so far. some nights, she wakes up five times and other nights she doesn't. that's definitely the worst part about parenting so far.
lyla absolutely loves ashton. lyla is still technically a puppy but she's house trained and knows her basic commands. i was slightly nervous to have a dog and a baby but there haven't been any issues yet.
between colby and i, everything is the same. we're even closer than we were before, actually. he was taking a break from youtube and the record store for a while. i was still filming my little weekly vlogs, wanting to have them as a memory, but reggie was editing them for me.
colby had completely quit smoking, as far as i knew. i hadn't seen him smoke in a looong time, and he never bought cigarettes anymore. i was really proud of him for giving it up for ashton and i.
everything was perfect.
lesa has been staying in our "pool house," which is technically like a little mini house in our backyard. layne, gwen, gage and colbys grandparents has driven in to meet her and then all drove back, but lesa was staying for a few more days to help us out with anything we needed, and to adjust to the major change.
my mom and dad had been visiting everyday for short periods of time, just wanting to spend as much time with their first grand-baby as possible. nicolette has flown in the day after i had her but she couldn't stay long because she had school.
speaking of school, i had decided it'd be best to transfer to a school in LA. i reapplied to schools and got into otis college of art and design, but i was taking a leap year for the remainder of the school year since i didnt want to be away from ashton so early.
nastassia also decided to transfer to a school in LA, which is exactly what happened. she's going to a four year, rather than a two year like i am. otis only offers two year programs. we still have our apartment in new york, and colby and i plan to raise ashton between los angeles and new york, and obviously take her to kansas as much as possible, once she's old enough.
colby and i had talked about buying a little lake house in utah or something so we could make cute family traditions, which i was all for.
"hey. i'm here." i heard nastassia say softly.
"hey! we're in the living room." i yelled back but quietly. i was feeding ashton and she seemed to be on the verge of a nap.
"oh my gosh! ashton, hi baby." stas cooed to her.
"you can hold her when she's done eating." i laughed, readjusting her so i was more comfortable.
"alright, cool." she laughed. "where's colby at?"
"he went out for lunch with lesa." i told her.
"you didn't want to go?" she asked me.
"i didn't want to take ash out yet, and i wanted them to have time alone, especially since we won't be making to kansas for thanksgiving this year." i told her.
"you're not going to kansas for thanksgiving?" she asked me, opening the bag of almonds that colby had sitting on the coffee table.
"we decided not to. ashton will barely be a month old so we don't want to take her on a plane, or a twenty hour road trip. we probably won't go there until easter." i admitted to her.
"aw, that kinda sucks. at least we can have a friendsgiving here again." she shrugged, eating more almonds.
"yeah, colby seemed pretty bummed about it but we both know it's for the better." i told her. "you can hold her now." i said, handing her ashton.
"aw, yes! finally." she smiled in content as she situated her. "how has her sleeping been?"
"good." i huffed out, picking up some things around the living room... just reorganizing the remotes and putting away lyla's toys and ashtons stuff. "she's sleeping a lot better now. i think she's finally in a little routine."
"that's good. she's actually the cutest thing ever." she cooed. stas has been at the house constantly since i had her. she loves babies.
"thanks." i laughed, opening the door so lyla could use the bathroom. "lesa is leaving tomorrow and i can tell she doesn't want to."
"i mean, who would want to leave this pretty little girl?" stas asked in a baby voice. "she's actually the cutest baby i've ever seen. i love her."
"she is so cute." i agreed. "life just feels so complete with having her here." i admitted.
"ugh, i can't wait to have kids." she chuckled.
"they'll be so cute, i already know it." i smiled. "do you want any food? colby is bringing me back something and i'm positive that he wouldn't mind getting something for you."
"can i just get a chicken caesar salad?" she asked.
"for sure." i said, texting colby with her order.
"i hate to do this to you, but can you watch her while i get a quick shower?""do whatever you need." she laughed. "i'll spend as much time with ashton as you'll let me." she joked.
"awww, stas, you didn't have to clean for me." i said, appreciating the fact that she just cleaned my whole living room, dining room and kitchen, put the dishes away, put in a load of laundry and watched ashton for me.
"it only took a few minutes. you're a mom now, 10 minutes is valuable time that you can spend with ashton." she smiled. she's so sweet.
"you're the best." i said, hugging her.
"hey guys." colby said, fairly quiet, as he walked into the room.
"hey." i smiled, hugging him. "how was lunch?" i asked.
"good. my moms packing her shit right now... where's ash?" he asked me, squatting to pet lyla.
"she's in her bassinet." i told him, looking towards the living room as he walked that way.
"aw, theres my girl." he cooed, picking up the half asleep little girl. i could get used to this.

prove it ; colby brock
Fanfiction"you're like my antidote. you counteract the poison." colby said, making me smile at him. in which an innocent, privileged girl meets an intriguing bad boy. *completed