2.6 - lover volume 2.

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"good morning aylaroo." i heard colby whisper in my ear, my eyes fluttering open. i giggled slightly, realizing that colby is so whipped for me that the name 'aylaroo' just came out of his mouth. "happy six month anniversary, baby." he smiled, kissing my cheek.

"happy anniversary, barney." i smiled.

"you're lucky you're so damn cute... no one else can nickname me after a giant purple dinosaur and get away with it." he said, making me giggle.

"what time is it?" i asked him, rubbing my eyes.

"it's almost 11:30. i made you breakfast." he said.

"no way? what is it?" i asked, sitting up to see a plate of my favorite waffles and a side of chocolate strawberries and my favorite iced coffee. "you did not have to do this." i smiled, grabbing his neck so i could pull him closer to kiss him.

"i did too." he smiled, kissing me again. "the plan for today is that you get some presents after we eat breakfast, then we're going out for lunch with all of our friends. and then we'll come back here... and you can get ready and then we have dinner plans. and then we can come back here and do whatever you want."

"wow, your really are spoiling me today, huh?" i smiled, feeling so appreciative of him. "i love you." i said, taking a massive bite of my waffle.

"i love you." he smiled.

we sat crisscross applesauce, facing each other, on the bed, eating waffles.

"that was so good." i groaned, laying back on the bed. "thank you." i smiled.

"of course, princess." he said, laughing. "i got you a couple of things."

"i got you a couple of things." i replied, reaching over the side of the bed to grab the presents.

"here, you go first." he said, handing me something that is record shaped.

"hmmm wonder what this could be?" i laughed.

"i dunno. maybe a puppy dog." he suggested, making me laugh. i unwrapped the present, that was so poorly wrapped, but he tried.

lover ; volume 2

"you're the cutest thing ever

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"you're the cutest thing ever." i smiled, looking up at him. "can i play it now?" i asked, not even bothering to look at the track list first.

"yeah." he smiled, grabbing my hand and leading me to his record player. we sat in front of it, just like we did on my birthday nearly three months ago. i pulled the record out of its sleeve, noticing that it's black.

"black?" i asked, looking up at him. black in the typical color of a record but it wasn't what i expected.

"yeah... the pink one reminds me of you. because you're bright and colorful and innocent. the black is like me... dark, mysterious and in control." he explained.

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