"ayla, i'm so sorry." stas said, throwing her arms around me. we had all made our way out to the front lawn.
"it's okay, stas, but are you okay?" i asked her.
"i'm fine. i'm so sorry he hit you." she sobbed.
"it's okay, stas, really. i just wanted you to be safe." i told her. "let's go home, yeah?" i asked.
"okay." she nodded, still crying as we waited for the uber.
"is he okay?" i asked colby, who had just come from making sure he didn't actually kill nathan.
"he'll live." colby told me with a shrug, pulling me into his body. "i'm sorry you guys had to see that." he said to stas and i.
"thank you, colby. i don't know what we would've done without you." stas thanked him, going in for a hug.
the uber showed up shortly after, driving us home. when we got there, stas and i went to my room to change into sweats.
the three of us decided to all just have a twilight marathon in my room... more like stas and i decided and colby had to watch. twilight is my favorite movie though, so he has to live with that. we all laid in my bed, me in the middle, colby and stas both trying to cuddle me.
"we're gonna be late! hurry the fuck up!" i said to colby.
"i love it when you curse." he whispered into my ear from behind me.
"i don't know what you're trying to do but we cannot be late. do you know how awkward it is to walk into church late?" i asked, laughing.
"ah yes, cause i know all about church." he laughed.
"put a shirt on." i told him, still laughing.
"okay mom." he joked. "help me button it?" he asked after he pulled it on. i rolled my eyes and smiled, my little fingers buttoning up his black shirt.
"do you need me to tie your shoes too?" i joked.
"would you?" he asked seriously, before cracking a smile.
"i'm going to wait in the car. you better be out there in the next 5 minutes." i slightly threatened. colby had a slight black eye from his 'fight' with nathan, which was the only physical thing that happened to him because nathan barely managed to get any punches in, so this morning i had to cover his black eye with makeup... i didn't want to answer any questions about it to my parents so i thought it'd be best to just cover it... also, i think that a black eye isn't exactly the vibe for church.
"i'm uncomfortable." colby said with a chuckle as we pulled into the church parking lot.
"you'll be fine. i don't like going to church either." i admitted to him.
"i can't believe i'm going to church." he scoffed, a laugh following it.
"stop being a big baby. let's go." i said, opening the car door. hand in hand, colby and i walked up to the entrance of the church, the greeters telling us hello when we walked in.
"ayla! i haven't seen you in months! it's nice to have you back." edna said. she's an older woman, probably in her late sixties. she's been a greeter since i was a baby.
"oh my, my who do we have here?" lucy asked me. another older woman that i've known my whole life.
"hi lucy." i smiled to the old lady. "this is my boyfriend, colby."
"it's nice to meet you, young man. hope you're keeping our girl out of trouble." edna said. quite the contrary actually, but i wasn't going to tell them that.
"it's nice to meet you too." he smiled, as they hugged him. i could feel colbys uncomfortableness.
we walked further into the church, everyone saying hello to me or asking who colby is. i didn't mind but i could tell colby didn't exactly love the questions and meeting so many new people. he didn't like forced situations... he only liked meeting people when it's on his own time.
"andy! alex!" i smiled to the two boys. they live about 25 minutes away from my parents house.
"hey guys!" andy smiled to colby and i.
"oh my gosh! ayla! i haven't seen you in forever!" andy and alex's mom said to me.
"hi christina!" i smiled, hugging her. "this is my boyfriend, colby. colby, this is andy and alex's mom, chrissy." i introduced.
"a boyfriend? it's so nice to meet you!" she smiled to colby.
after a short conversation with chrissy and the boys, colby made our way through the church to sit with my dad since my mom was leading the choir.
"ayla! it's been a long time... you'll have to start coming around the house more often!" my dad exclaimed. "colby, it's nice seeing you again."
"you too, sir." colby smiled. before my dad could respond, the priest went up on stage so everyone quickly quieted down.
my parents were very accepting of colby. they kind of knew about the fact that he had a bad past but they didn't judge him for that. i could tell that they wanted/ expected me to end up with a church boy who golfs and drives a benz but i think they're just happy that i found a boy that loves me.
the service only lasted for an hour so we were going to meet my parents for sunday brunch.
"see, that wasn't that bad." i told colby as he pulled out of the parking lot.
"it wasn't that bad." he admitted. "but i don't really want to go back." he chuckled.
"have you ever thought about having kids?" i asked colby, making him look at me with wide eyes. "not right now, or even with me, just in general." i laughed.
"um... i don't know. i mean- maybe one or two?" he said. "probably not though... i couldn't see myself being a dad." he said, changing his mind quickly. "do you want kids?"
"yeah... i think so. i've always wanted to be a mom." i admitted. my heart broke a little when he told me that but we're still young... 18 and 19. we aren't even old enough to drink, legally of course.
"you'd be a good mom." he told me.
"you think so?" i asked, tapping my fingers on my leg.
"yeah. you love to take care of everyone." he told me.
"i think you'd be a good dad... i've seen you play with your little cousins. it's adorable." i smiled. "imagine our little girl... picking her up from ballet and jamming to nirvana and the killers on the way home. we could buy her those cute little band tees that we always see in the kids section at target." i said, daydreaming about our future.
"that would be cute." he chuckled. "she'd be a little punk rock girly girl." he joked. "kinda like you." he said with a smile, grabbing my hand.
"i want to have two kids... preferably a girl and a boy." i admitted. "not to scare you, but what are your thoughts on marriage?" i asked him.
"that's not for me. i don't think i can see myself getting married." he admitted. "i don't need a document to prove that i love someone." he said to me. it broke my heart a little cause i always dreamed of a wedding but i also understood his point of view on the situation.

prove it ; colby brock
Fanfiction"you're like my antidote. you counteract the poison." colby said, making me smile at him. in which an innocent, privileged girl meets an intriguing bad boy. *completed