0.7 - vinyl.

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was i going to the record store just because i knew colby was working today? yes. that wasn't the only reason though. i really wanted to pick up some more of the killers albums on vinyl. there happened to be six releases that i was missing. i was going to go right before he got off so that we could just come straight back to my house, together.

i was sitting on my balcony, drinking an ice coffee and flipping through the vogue magazine that had come in today. i looked up, noticing colby was walking on the street. my house is the half way point between his house and work. why would he walk for half an hour just to get to work??

i quickly stood up, slipping on my slides. i had on a pair of sweatpants and a crop top on, braless, since i had just woken up. i ran down the stairs and out into the driveway that i had never realized was so long.

"hey there, barney." i smiled as he looked up from his phone as i opened the gate.

"hey princess. what're you doing?" he asked me, kissing my temple. this was something i had grown to love so much.

"i saw you from my room. why're you walking?" i asked him.

"ah, the old corolla needed new tires and none of my friends could drive me." he said.

"you could've just asked me." i told him with a gentle smile.

"i just didn't want to bug you." he said, his eyes moving from my face to my 'pajamas.' "for someone with so much money, you'd think you'd own some bras." he laughed, making me roll my eyes.

"i'll drive you. let me go get one of the cars." i said, basically skipping up the driveway. i grabbed the keys to my moms tesla model x. my dad bought it for her for her birthday the previous year. i quickly backed out of the garage.

"you have a tesla?" colby gasped.

"my mom has a tesla." i laughed as he got in.

"don't hit anyone while your backing out." he laughed.

"hey! we wouldn't have met if it weren't for me hitting you." i laughed.

"fair enough." he said. "it feels weird to be in the passenger seat." he said. "i like your outfit, by the way." he smirked. it was cold in the car and that was not helping.

"do you care if i come in? i wanted some new records" i smiled to him.

"of course not, princess." he said, grabbing my hand as we walked to the door.

"hey, colby." the boy at the counter said.

"aj, what's up brother?" colby asked.

"we got a new shipment in. boss wants you to organize them." 'aj' told him.

"okay. i'll get on that." he said, walking me to the records. "i'm gonna go clock in, i'll be right back." he told me, kissing my temple again.

i immediately went to the Ks. they only had sams town, sawdust and hot fuss by the killers so i grabbed two of them. i already had hot fuss, thanks to colby. i flipped through a few more albums.

i decided to grab mac millers newest album, bleach by nirvana, calm by 5 seconds of summer and a cigarettes after sex album. i was in a record mood.

"bro, who is that? she's hot as fuck." i hear 'aj' say. i assumed they were talking about me since the store wasn't actually opened and i was the only female in here.

"that's my girl." he said, making me smile to myself.

"your girl? i didn't think you were the type to settle down." the boy said.

"we aren't official. but i've claimed her." he laughed.

"ready to check out?" aj asked me as i approached the counter.

"yep." i smiled.

"i've got them princess, don't worry about it." colby said to me.

"let me pay this time." i pouted

"nope. show me what you picked." he said. i set the records i had chosen onto the counter. "more of the killers... that's my girl." he smiled.

"i'll be back at four." i smiled, grabbing a $100 bill out of my purse and put it in the tip jar.

"ayla, dont you dare." he threatened. the records would have costed over $100 so i decided i wasn't loosing anything over it.

"i'll see you at four, barney." i smiled, walking towards the door.

"drive safe, ayls." he smiled to me.

"she drives a tesla?" i heard aj ask him as i opened the door. i laughed at the comment and got into my car. i decided to facetime stas to ask if she wanted to go for lunch. athen was babysitting.

"hey bitch." i said when she answered the call.

"what's up whore?" she asked me.

"wanna meet for brunch?" i asked, pulling out of the parking lot. yes, i did make sure i looked before pulling out.

"yes. i'm starving. you can update me on the situation with your jail buddy." she laughed.

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