Chapter Fourteen: Killer's Friend

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Geno's eye fluttered open as the sun shot in his face. He tried to sit up only to be dragged back down by Reaper. Geno groaned in annoyance, "Reaper let me go."

Reaper shook his head, "nope. Your staying right here." Geno sighed and stared up at ceiling. Finally he had enough of it and struggled to unwrap Reaper's arms from around his waist.

Reaper whined as Geno got out of the bed. Geno ignored him and walked over to the window. He pulled the curtains until the sunlight was blocked then walked back to the bed. He laid back down and let Reaper hug him again. Reaper sighed happily and nuzzled his face into Geno's neck. Geno sighed while trying not to blush any harder than he already was.

A knock at the door cut Geno's attention away from Reaper. Reaper whined again as Geno went to go answer it. Reaper sat up and watched as Geno opened the door. Sure enough he was greeted by the smiling face of Palette, "hi Mr. Geno! I just came to remind you of breakfast!"

Geno nodded, "okay then, thanks Palette." Palette tipped his hat and ran over to the next room. Geno shut the door and walked back to the bed. Groaning, he flopped into it, "I don't feel like socializing today..."

Reaper grinned, "we don't have to~" Geno threw a pillow at Reaper that hit him in the face, "I'd rather socialize than get stuck with your sadistic ass!" Reaper frowned, "that's hurtful!"

Geno rolled his eyelight and sat up. Reaper was already out of bed and walking to the door. Geno looked at him with confusion, "why the fuck are you wearing bunny slippers?" Reaper turned around a grinned, "what? I'm only going to get some coffee and coming back. No need to get all formal."

Geno walked over to him, "I know...but normally you don't wear shoes." Reaper opened the door and the two walked down the hallway, "these slippers are soft, kinda like the carpet back at home."

Geno smirked as they entered a room. It was practically empty except for a skeleton standing in the corner. The skeleton had flames coming out of their broken skull and their hands were in their pockets. The skeleton smirked upon seeing them.

Geno frowned, "who are you?" The skeleton stood straight and held out their hand for a handshake, "ah sorry quite rude of me. I'm Color, my guess is that your Genocide?" Geno's eye narrowed, "I prefer Geno." His tone was harsh. Color pulled his hand back guessing he wasn't going to get a handshake and spoke, "sorry then Geno."

Color walked out of the room. Geno slowly made his way to Reaper who was making coffee, "that 'Color' guy was kinda weird don't you think?" Reaper took a sip of his coffee, "hmm? Who's Color?" Geno groaned and walked away. Reaper chased after him asking what he did wrong.

Killer smirked as he watched the two dissapear down the hallway. Dream came slowly behind him yawning. Killer looked over at him, "you could've stayed in bed Dreamy, you would've gotten more sleep..." Dream waved him off, "I'm fine Killer, I'm fine!" Killer shrugged and the two walked into the room. Dream immediately straightened up at the smell of bacon.

Killer smirked and walked over to a table. He picked up a plate and began to fix himself some food. Dream was already at a table grasping onto a mug. Killer walked to the table and sat down, "you drink coffee?"

Dream sighed and shook his skull in denial, "it's just tea..." Killer shrugged and picked up a fork, "do you want any food I can get some for you?" Dream shook his head again, "I'm fine Killer thanks."

Killer slowly began eating. Dust and Blue then entered the room, the two looked worn out. Killer eyed them as they took a seat at a table. Dream gave Killer a look meaning not to try anything stupid.

Killer decided to be nice and ignored them. Ink then came skipping in, immediately stopping seeing who was in the room. Ink then awkwardly walked over to the food table and stared at it. Error then came walking in with his hands in his pockets.

Ink and Error exchanged a few whispers then fixed themselves some food. They then walked away and sat at the table farthest from Killer and Dream. Killer found that amusing and continued to eat his food.

The room got darker in feeling as Nightmare and Cross entered. Nightmare's eye never left Ink, Killer guessed Ink gave them a little 'visit' as well. Cross gave Nightmare a scolding look and the two sat down.

The room had pretty much everyone in it. Geno and Reaper had run off. Killer guessed that Epic wouldn't have the guts to show because of last night, and Horror and Lust were probably in the other breakfast room with thier son.

Killer stiffened as someone else entered. Dream looked over at him, "Killer are you ok?" Killer nodded and forced himself to eat his food. To his luck, Color decided to walk closer.

Color smiled at him as he reached their table, "hiya Killer, long time no see!" Killer stood, glared at Color, and walked out of the room. Dream looked at Killer then at Color. Dream decided not to question it and followed after Killer.

Color frowned and left. Cross had a look of confusion written on his face, "what the funk happened there?" Cross stopped, confused even more by his own words. Sure enough Fresh came walking in. Error immediately groaned and looked over at Ink, "cAn We LeAvE?" Ink was already out the door.

Nightmare sighed and leaned back in his chair, "no doubt this day will be funked up." Nightmare flipped Fresh off before walking out. Cross was left questioning his life. Blue looked around, "okay that's weird...." Dust smirked and took another sip of his coffee. Blue awkwardly moved in his chair trying to find a comfortable position.

Dust sighed and set his coffee mug down. Blue internally squealed being very happy with Dust's peaceful state. Dust looked at Blue with confusion, "you okay? Your face is all blue..." Blue perked up and nervously grinned, "oh! Yes I'm fine just um hot-"

Cross interrupted him by irritated groaning, "you two are too cute for me! How's that even possible!?" Cross stood and walked out of the room. He looked to be angry with himself. Dust smirked, "no doubt he went through something last night."

Blue looked at him, "what do you mean by that?" Dust frowned at Blue's naivety.


"Raven I swear if you even dare!"

Raven was wheezing as Desire yelled at him. Once again Raven made a joke he would regret. Sprinkle groaned and face planted onto the table, instantly falling asleep. Graident looked at them with pure disgust, "I don't know what goes on in that room but it's not good." Moonlight hummed in agreement while sipping on his tea.

Noah and Incubux were playing a game of go fish, trying to teach their younger twin brothers how it was done. Ying and Yang stared with amazement as Noah lost for fifth time in a row. Noah screeched and threw his cards in the air, "I'm done with this! I can't do it!"

Goth rolled his eyelight and continued to engage a conversation with Paperjam. Shino was asleep in his lap. Paperjam huffed and crossed his arms, "how do these idiots live like this?" Goth smirked, "tell me about it. I'm related to one of them."

Raven sat up from the floor and pointed at Goth, "I heard that! I'm telling mom!" Goth frowned at him, "like mom's gonna care after what you did last night!" Raven shrugged, "I see nothing wrong with it. Just getting my ships together!"

Goth groaned and face palmed. Goth barley even had time to notice Palette quickly entering and exiting the room. Goth gently set Shino on the ground and ran after him.

Palette rounded a corner and sighed, he didn't get caught this time. He slowed and began walking, not having time to process Goth running into him. Goth gasped, "oh geez sorry! .....oh um by the way, why were you in a rush?"

Palette blinked, "I'm not sure what you mean by that Goth." Goth frowned, "you just walked into the room and then dissapeared! Are you not supposed to be around us?" Palette sighed and smiled at Goth, "I'm sorry Goth, it's complicated, I really can't explain it."

Goth solemnly nodded, his cheerful attitude then dropped, "oh well...okay, I guess I'll see you around then Palette." Palette nodded and tipped his hat, "dont seem so down Goth! It's no big deal! I'll see you around!"

Goth nodded and walked away. Palette sighed before walking back to his own room. He turned a corner and was grabbed by someone, "he-" his words were cut off as a hand covered his mouth.

Icy words whispered to him, "surely didn't forget about your little window stunt did you?"

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