Angelica x John

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Hello, welcome to the first one shot. This is a T-rated story, so all is fine! Happy reading :)

[Angelica's POV]

I felt a tear escape from my eye as I saw my sister kiss her new husband. Finally, my little sister has grown up! I felt great happiness for her, being the eldest sister I have to! She has found the perfect partner and can move on from me. And I can't help but feel a pang of jealousy for her being married first, before me. But I could feel it, deep down, a remorse sadness. I tried to bottle it up for this occasion, and deal with it later, but it is still there. She was replacing me, for a guy she had only known for 2 weeks, and had fallen head over heals for. I can't deny she didn't love Alexander, but how do I know if Alexander liked her? After all, I was the first person he laid eyes on at the ball back then, and I was the one that introduced him to Eliza.

Also, the fact that I still love him makes it worse! It was probably the only glimpse of love and affection I will ever get- my father has found a wealthy suitor in England that I am bound to marry, since I'm the oldest and most responsible. So it's better to give up a man I love to benefit another person I love, right?

But it's never too late for regrets...

I walk away from the happy couple, and make my way onto the roof, closing the door behind me.

There was no more sound. All the music had gone, no more bass shaking the ground. There was a slight chill in the air, but I didn't want to get my jacket. I was wearing a 3/4 sleeved bell dress, which is quite hard to walk in, considering I was on heals. I sat on an area of floor directly under the window, so no watchful eyes would see me, and leaned against the brick wall. I threw off my heals, and release a long-held breath- those heals were on my legs for the whole day, which may not seem painful, but think of it as walking in a shoe full of needles!

I look up into the sky, watching the twinkling stars wink in the night. It's a beautiful night, which suits the current occasion. I shiver again, but didn't think much of it. I could hear the faint sound of a door opening, the music and base breaking the silence, before the door shut again, and all was still. I turned around to see who entered.

John Laurence, Alexander's best friend. He lives up to his name, and when I looked at him, I couldn't help but feel a small flutter inside, a warm pulse surging once through my body. I silently composed myself, and looked straight in front of me, back out into the balcony. I could feel my spine crawling a little with anticipation, but I chose to ignore it.

"Scuse me, Miss, but whatever are you doing out on a cold, and quiet night like this?" he asked, a cocky smile stretched on his face. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at him, but I felt his smirk rubbing on me, and I soon felt myself smile a little. Guess his grins are contagious!

"Just taking in the beautiful night," I said.

"Well, not without you being warm!" he replied. I jumped a little when I felt a warm coat being draped over my shoulders. I quickly swivel around, trying to attain a poker face. I had to admit, seeing him without a blazer on made him look a little... more handsome, his muscles started showing a bit more, and I could see the bow he did up was done a little untidy. I chuckled a little when I saw that.

"Honestly, Mr Laurens, I'm flattered by your gesture, but wouldn't you get cold too?"

"Woah woah woah there, princess, no need to be so formal with me! Please, call me John! And that party is way too hot for me, I came outside to cool off a little." I felt him plop down next to me.

"Say, why are you outside then? Shouldn't you be inside celebrating for your sister?" I stretched out my legs in front of me, and looked up. I saw his gaze linger on my feet a little, his cheeks dusted with pink, before following mine into the stars.

"I couldn't stand to see my sister being married so soon, I want to be there to protect her, but I can't anymore. And to make it worse..." I inhaled a little bit: I don't know why I said this to Alexander's best friend, but it was just a feeling. "I've even developed some affectionate emotions towards Hamilton..." I heard him pause for a moment, trying to intake all this new information, but I couldn't stand the silence. "... and because I couldn't walk in these heals anymore haha.!"

I saw him snap out of his senses. "I like your laugh," he said, looking back at me. My heart skipped when he did, and I felt my cheeks light up with his.  We both quickly looked back out, and John spoke up. 

"Say, why are you like asthma?" he said, his smirk flashing at me. I rolled my eyes.

"I am not in the mood for this right now, I'm being serious!" we went back into silence, and seconds passed by before he spoke  again.

"Listen, I know it is hard, but now, you've done your part. You've looked after your sister, and now it's time to let her go. She will be looked after by Alex now, and I'm sure you can trust him! And whilst protecting your sister, who was protecting you? You can give it some time, but you can find someone else to protect you, someone who may or may not live up to the standards of Alex."

I was a little shocked. I did NOT expect this from John! But his advise was amazing, he was amazing! I felt drawn to him, like a moth drawn to a flame: he had hooked me and now he was reeling me in. His eyes shined as bright as the stars, and all I wanted to do right there and then was to kiss him. But not yet, I want to wait. I whispered "Please don't tell him..." as quietly as I could.

He responded. "Now why would I do that?" he then smiles gently, my heart racing increasingly fast. I leaned over and hugged him, a part of me feeling that it's right, the other wondering what the hell I'm doing. I felt him brush his hands through my hair, and I relaxed into him, breathing his shirt a little. The scent reminded me of roasting hazelnuts over a fire, with a hint of cinnamon. It put my mind at ease, and all I could think about was him... him... him...

We let go and I leaned back, feeling exhausted and drained as it all came crashing down. I pretty much passed out, and fell onto John's lap, it being a little obvious that he is freaking out.

"Can I rest on you for a little while?" I asked sleepily.

"C-c-course ya can!" he said, pulling me closer to his warmth by hanging his arm over my shoulders.

"I think I have a likely candidate for my future suitor!" I said, blushing a little after the words came out of my mouth. John blushed a bit too, but clears her throat and recovers a little.

"We will have to wait and see!" He said, leaning his head on mine, gently. "Oh, and one last thing," he said, taking my hand.

He raise it to his lips and kissed it, I could feel a spark run through, I was on fire, a flame that will never go out, a light that will never die. I felt meaningful, important, the softness of his plush lips pressed against my skin. The thought makes me shiver a little. He finally let's go, lacing his hand over mine and placing it on my chest, just by my bodice. He does not move his hand.

"Sweet dreams, princess!"

And with that I fell into a happy, peaceful sleep.

Whooooooooop that took waaaaaay longer than expected haha

Nothing much happened in this story, but I'm planning for a part 2, if your up for it?

Thanks for reading, see y'all on the  next one-shot!

Be potates

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