Philip x Theodosia

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Just a quick heads up you dweebs, this one-shot is gonna be slightly modernised, since I think it would fit the story better, but be free to let me know if you want an original version. Also, this story is across a period of time (they grow up together) and this is Phillip, Hamilton's son, and Theodosia, Burr's son. Try not to get mixed up ._.
T rated, but VERY emotional (I cried when writing this waaaaa T_T). GET TISSUES!!! And don't blame me if it's too sad, it's what happened in the story! 

[No one's POV]

Burr and Hamilton were living their best lives. They had each other, they had their wires, they had their great jobs. And lastly, they had their children. 2 beautiful rays of light in their lives. Finally, they could start a family.

Hamilton's child was called Philip, a bright boy who's smile shines as bright as the sun. Burr's child was called Theodosia, an adorable girl who has her father's eyes and her mother's name. The 2 grew up together, and were almost inseparable, best friends from birth, playing on the lawn whilst their parents laughed together, enjoying the late August sunshine. They had a great time!

This went on for 6 years, 6 years of these 2 families living in perfect harmony, 6 years of these 2 friends getting closer and closer, almost like brother and sister. Philip's sister usually stayed inside, being looked after by the childminder, leaving the 2 alone in the garden.

"P-Phillip, w-what is that?" Theodosia stuttered: it was a habit. She sat down and scooted over to the strange creature on the floor, curiosity lighting her eyes, her summer dress fanned out around her on the green grass. Phillip bent down over her head to look, holding Theodosia's shoulders for balance to get a clearer look.

"That, dear Theodosia, is a bee. They help make the flowers bloom, make the fruit on our tree. Without them, my mum says we'd die!" Philip smiled warmly at the bee, watching it fly from flower to flower. Theodosia, however, grew excited with this.

"We must find a place to keep the bees alive, a place where they can have a break!" Phillip caught on to what Theodosia was trying to do, and his grin widened.

"We can make it like a little house!" he said, throwing in some ideas. 

"Maybe even a hotel!" Theodosia said, tilting her head up to look into Phillip's eyes. The gap between their heads was pretty large, Theodosia was small for her age, and Phillip was slightly above average, considering their age.

"We'll add little beds!"

"And flowers!"

"I heard bees like sugar water, so we could make that in the kitchen!"

"We can make it out of cardboard!"

"And paint it!"

"Can I put glitter on it?"


"Let's start then!"

They both fist-bumped, saying their usual "L'un des nombreux", which were the first french words they both had learned in class. Theodosia and Phillip spend ages on their project and finished just before they parted ways. They left the box at the top of the tree, and even though no bees ever visited, they became more closer. This was the small and normal life that they were living together, and with time, they only ever grew closer. 

At 9, they were both fluent in French and Latin, top of all work and classes. Their parents were proud of them, showing off to the other, talking about their achievements. It started some tension between their parents, but their relationship never changed. Nothing changed, they still hung out on the lawn, alone, despite their father's disagreement to associate with the "enemy's child". Phillip was still a boy above average height, bright as ever, sometimes looked up to, just like his father. Theodosia, however, was still small, at least a head smaller than Phillip. She was always made fun of for that, and whenever this happened, Phillip would always be there to put a smile on her face, dry away her tears, and always told her the same words, "L'un des numbreux". Phillip wasn't just the ray of light for his parents, but the ray of light for Theodosia too. Theodosia's mum grew sick that year, and she had many breakdowns at school. And all the while, Phillip was always there, telling her all will turn well, nothing bad would happen to her. Without Phillip, no one's smile would help stick and clean her battle wounds. She only wished to do the same for Phillip.

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