Hamilton x Laurens

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Welcome back my Hamil-TON of viewers! I'm just kidding, I dunno how many of you are there, since I am writing this as a draft, but that's life. If you have read through the last chapter, I'm sorry for the huge amount of text and the need for tissues, if your like me. This one is a T rated, so no need for tissues or shiz. It's also gonna be shorter, because I don't ship it as much... heh... sorry? Ok, have fun, see y'all on the other side!

Also, sorry about the name change, it's Alexander Hamilton and John Laurens (from the last story). I just know this ship as "Lams" not "Alexander x John"

[Hamilton's POV]

"OH MY GOD! GENERAL WASHINGTON IS SO ANNOYING!" I was continuing my usual ranting about General Washington turning me down AGAIN to my friend John (A/N: WE'LL SEE ABOUT THAT! Heheheheheh!) for about the 6th time this week. I want to be the General of the battalion! I mean, what qualities do I not have that stupid Charles Lee has?! I would do a WAAAY better job than him!

"Why can't Washington SEE me?! It's SO unfair!" I know I may seem like a little child right now, but I couldn't care less right now, I gotta let my anger out through my words!

We continued walking past the camp tents towards ours. This is a temporary base camp, so we will be moving out soon. Thankfully, my tent could fit 2 people, and I could choose who I wanted to be my room mate... Well, me being Washington's right hand man. And of course I chose John, he's fun, neat... I think... and cute.

Wait a minute... DID I SAY CU- I mean, he's handsome... for a man... who is to girls attractive... why does it pain to say that? Whatever, it doesn't matter!

I saw the tree stump, meaning we were nearing our tent. I let out a small sign and paused my walking for a minute. I felt John's soft eyes dart and linger on me for a few seconds. I turned to meet his gaze, and felt a small throb somewhere deep in my chest.

"Um... If you were to ask me... I think you'd make a great General... Alex..." he seemed so adorable being so flustered about saying that, but it also made my heart skip a beat, and I felt fire course through my veins- probably the adrenaline. I felt blood run into my cheeks, and froze up, praying John didn't see it. Fortunately, he had already torn his eyes off me and was looking down at the floor, eyes wide and a faint blush from what I could see behind those curls...

Hamilton, are you stupid?! These are signs of a man liking someone. There is no way I can like another man, especially when that is inhumane and I am a married man. I don't want to cheat on my new wife! It pained me for some reason to suppress this feeling, but I need to stop this ludicrous behaviour, before I get demoted... or worse... hanged!

Ok... don't go that far... GET YOURSELF TOGETHER!

I cleared my throat and muttered a little "Thank you", and continued walking to camp. I will not tell John about these symptoms; I don't want him to be in danger too!

Y'ALL NO HATE MAIL! Keep in mind this is set in the 1700s, so homophobia is common. You are halfway through this story, congrats🎉 NOW CONTINUE READING!!!

[Still Hamilton's POV]

"We have a war to fight, let's move along!" Washington again with his sharp tongue! I was trying to convince him to take action against Charles Lee: he had run his mouth too much about Washington, and should wash his mouth out with soap. Someone needs to teach him a lesson! But apparently not me, since out is a direct order. Ugh!

I wall out of his tent in defeat, only to be greeted by John, smiling brightly at me. I have to admit, it did lift up my spirits! I walked up to him, and explained to him what went on in the tent, and he huffed- it is a lot to take in!

"So you can't do it huh?" He seemed a tad bit relieved, but quite disappointed.

"Command's orders," I shrugged. I heard John intake a gulp of air.

"Then I'll do it!"

I stared straight into his eyes, which are now darkened and serious, his jaw set firm.

"But Jo-"

"Alexander... your the closest friend I've got." I could hear his teeth clench on the word "friend", but I didn't think much of it. I don't know how to stop him from doing this! I don't know why I want to stop him! I just... don't want him to get hurt. I hesitantly yet surely placed a hand on his shoulder, and spoke.

"Laurens..." I didn't know what to say next... should I tell him I have strange feelings for him? Should I tell him I want him back? Should I tell him to survive, no matter what? Should I-

I panicked too much, and I just finished my mid-sentence with "...do not throw away your shot!" Ak me and my stupid pick-up lines. He flashed me another smile, but it seemed a little strained, or forced. His jaw was a little tense. He walked back to the tent and I looked towards the sky, a brilliant clear blue. Well, at least now I know...

I have a crush on John Laurens!

I told ya this was short... unlike the other one... oops? Less lovey dovy sappy stuff, which do you prefer?

I would write more, but I have homeschool STILL (it's May 2020 future beings) so not reeeaaaally :'(

Thanks for reading, drop your suggestions in the comments, and REMEMBER THE RULES!!!!! (Mentioned in the first chapter)
Stay safe!!!

Be potates


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