Angelica x John (Continued!)

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Y'all I'm sorry just go onto the next one if you don't like this ship, I just had a brain spark and thought about continuing the chapter before I forget what I'm doing! I am gonna rate this a T, but there is a bit of almost depression, maybe gore and emotion so BE AWARE! Ok, have fun, I'm going to sleep, bye!

[John's POV]

It was 10 minutes past midnight and I slowly creeped out of my house. It is a relatively small house, the road pretty narrow, and a solitary street lamp flickered in the distance. If I were to make it on time, I may need to hurry a bit!

I agreed to meet Angelica at midnight exact, but it seems I had lost track of time trying to look the part. I was wearing the suit my father gave me, him "claiming" to have won my mother's heart with it. Thank gods they aren't here to see the battle I'm going to fight in tomorrow! I quickly adjusted the fresh rose in my pocket, took a step out of my door... and ran! I am going to be 15 minutes late if I don't sprint my way there! 

I swiftly turned the corner into the bridge crossing the river, where we decided to meet. It was a small footpath, isolated from all the horse's and carriage's noises. And there she was, my Angelica, her face was tilted to face the moon, her eyes gently closed, her hair curling and cascading around her perfect shoulders, her skin shining white and soft, her arms folded as she lent on the railing, and she looked beautiful, like an angel who has come straight from heaven, like a star that had fallen straight from the sky. I took a step onto the bridge, my shoes clicked a little, and she turned around, startled. Her lilac dress was so beautiful, just like her, elegant and innocent, not revealing anything to me except her shoulders and her arms. I took another step towards her. She snapped out of her startled phase, I saw a blush creeping into her cheeks- she must have been checking me out hehehe- and cleared her throat before scowling.

"Your late by 5 minutes!" she said, and I could see the muscle right next to her lip twitch a little: she was trying not to smile!

"I'm never late, Angel, you're just early!" I replied, a cocky smirk stretched across my face. Angel rolled her eyes.

"I have told you several times again and again in my letters, I am not "Angel" I'm "Angelica!" Get it right!"

"But you're my angel!" I said, my smirk widening as I saw her blush deepen. She flicked her hair on the side, and faced the moon again, so she could hide her blushing. I walked next to her and faced the moon myself, our elbows nearly touching.

"You don't need to hide your blushing from me, Angel. And I'm serious, you look beautiful tonight, what's the occasion?" She flicked her hair back and looked at me- God she looked a lot prettier up close! Her brown eyes shined in the light, her lashes dotted with flicks of silver, her plump lips soft and full- God I really like her!

"I'm seeing you of course, and for the last time before tomorrow. Well, today now." she said, and I felt a pain growing in my throat. We both turned back out, the water flowing gracefully beneath us. We stood in a comfortable silence.

Ya know, writing til this point, I realise this one shot is gonna be a LOT longer than I intended... oops? Just keep reading this balony.... AFTER A SHORT BREAK!!!

Quarantine thought: Jesus is a rubber chicken- he sacrificed himself to erase our mistakes, like a rubber, and he was "tender and mild", like a chicken.

Alright, back to the story! Bai!!!!!!!!

I watched her through the corner of my eye, feeling her sadness radiate from her. There was nothing I could say to make her believe that it would be ok, that I would definitely make it back to her, but it's a war, and knowing me, I probably won't make it back to see her. But I can still get rid of her worry! I felt my hand hesitantly reach out, half of me wondering what I was doing. My hand slipped around hers, clapping it gently, my elbow leaning against the railing, and I started to rub circles with my thumb. Her skin was soft and delicate, cold against my hand, and I held it tighter. Her breathing hastened. 

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