Peggy x Hercules

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Ayooooooo this one ain't gonna be a depressing one like the last one!!! IT'S PEGGY AND HERCULES GIVE IT UP FOR THIS BOMB POWER COUPLE WHOOOOOOOOOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah this time, no sadness, just yo typical good girl and bad boi stuff, hope y'all like this, I think iz cute, but what about y'all? Lemi know in the comments!!!

[Peggy's POV] 

Ugh, romance! A waste of time! You have Angelica, sister number 1, the smart, amazing goddess of New York, everyone "Loves her..." And here she is FAWNING over Hamilton. I don't like that guy: he's going after people that aren't even in his league, only for their money and name. Disgusting! Then their's Eliza, the pretty and angelic woman of New York,  who is after THE SAME GUY as my sister! That's even grosser! And finally, there is me, which NO ONE and I mean NO ONE cares about! Who needs me when my sisters are there? It's so stupid! I'm only 22!

Imagine me like one of my sisters! Oh, why hello there fellow husband! I've made you supper! Would you like a back massage, you've worked very hard! Of what about a coffee?  Absolute bullshi-

"Magret! There is a visitor at the door who wants to meet you!" A visitor? For me? Ohmygod! Thishasneverhappenedtomebefore! WhatdoIdo?!?!?! Oh, breathe Peggy, it's probably just some boy that took an interest in me and wants to get to know me better. I hope they can actually LET me express my feelings and not... egh... my sisters...

I made my way downstairs after speed-brushing my hair out, and all the anticipation and excitement drained out of me when I saw who was waiting...

Hercules Mulligan.

That insanely irritating man who couldn't leave me alone for one second at the ball. Why he's no smarter than a goldfish, an underdog panting at my feet, an absolute nuisance following me around. He is the definition of annoying, and my facial expression proved that right now. Speaking of my facial expression, I should remove my loathing now before my tutor sees!

I cleared my throat. "Mr Mulligan, what a pleasant surprise to see you here!" I said in an overly sweet manner, the twitching of my mouth proving that I am trying NOT to lash out on him.

"The pleasure is all the mine, sweetheart!" he replied back, and I tried my best not to roll my eyes at him. You thought I was like Angelica, who rolls her eyes at how ironic words are, and always ends up laughing at them in the end. NO! I roll my eyes at annoying, self-absorbed brats like... him!

"What brings you here? I was a little busy beforehand so you may need to make it quick," I promptly replied back. I need to get him out of here, I don't know how long I can tolerate him, or how long it would take before I would snap.

"Weeeeeell, with your maiden's permission," he said, winking flirtatiously at the maid who answered the door, making her blush, "I thought the current weather would make it a great time to go out together on an evening stroll!" 

Ok, 1, NO, and 2, NO, and for a third time, NO

"Heh, welp I'm sorry Mr Mulligan," just this once, I couldn't hide my victorious smile, "But my tutor had recently set some work, and I was just about to take this time to finish it, so I'm-"

"Y-Y-YES!" the maid randomly blurted out. "S-she is available, her work can always be done another time! It's due in 3 weeks anyway." I am going to have to have some serious talks with this maid later on! When and when not to tell a flirtatious man that I am available, lesson 101 with Peggy Skylar! Join now for only $1 per millennium!

Well, now Hercules was smirking! "Splendid!"

I don't know what was going to await me this evening, but I am sure it will end up 99.999% a nightmare! That extra 0.001% is that this is all a dream and I am secretly an underwater dragon with magical teleportation powers but was living this fantasy all in my head, and I have been sleeping for 22 years!


[Still Peggy's POV]

"Got some schoolwork due in 3 weeks huh?" Hercules smirked irritatingly. We had just left my house, much to my dismay, after I tried to spend as much time on 'deciding what outfit to wear', but was quickly rushed downstairs by that maid. I stopped abrutly, the last straw finally drawn, and yanked Hercules's collar.

"Listen up, Mulligan," I snarled at him, unable to control my tone but can successfully control my volume. "I am not in the mood for any of your stupid games! Tonight, I had far more important things to do, and thanks to YOU, I had to cancel ALL of them!" I was out of breath after all of that, and Hercules seemed a little shocked at my sudden outburst. But that face didn't stick around for too long, and it contorted back into an evil grin.

"Weeeell, if you are so 'busy', what so-called things do you have to do?" That question caught me off guard and the helpless expression only made his smirk widen. 

"Um... well... I was planning to... er... read a little... and... stuff-"

"BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" he was laughing so hard, tears were springing from his eyes. My scowling face returned, and I had a huge desire to remove my shoe and poke his eye out. Abandoned streets, no witnesses. Perfect timing!

"You... HA... YOU SHOULD'VE SEEN YOU'RE FACE! HAHAHA!!!" My eyebrows furrowed deeper and I turned my back on him, walking quicker on the secluded street. The faster this walk ends, the happier I'd be!

"Awwww come on sweetheart!" he coed at me, which didn't help at all, but I turned to face him anyway, folding my arms to tell him I was waiting. "I just wanted to get to know you better!" he genuinely smiled this time, and I could tell. No mischief behind this one! "I... understand I've been a jerk to you, but I guess I just wanted to understand you! I wanna know what makes you tick, what keeps you going, what you like, love and hate, ya know?" 

There were no negative intentions in this speech. There were no changes of tones in his voice, he was being serious for once in his life.

"I suppose what I'm trying to say is... I sorta like you in a way?" I gave him a perplexed look, looking into his eyes this time. 

"Sorta?" A smile grew across my face. Ok, I said I'm nothing like my sister, but this was an exception, I have no idea how it's happening.

"Ok fiiiiine!" He again caught me off guard, pushing me against a tree, looking intensely into my eyes. His mischievous smirk was back on his face, but this time, I was too frozen in his gaze to react. Besides my father, he was the only person who got this close to me. Never have I felt so vulnerable in safe hands. What is this feeling?! His eyes lingered on mine, before looking over my face, towards my neck and my breasts, filled with what I think is danger, wanting for something. My heart sped to an alarming speed, and I held my breath, waiting in anticipation.

"I like you!" he stated as a-matter-of-factly, his voice gruff and husky, making my shiver. I could feel the heat rushing to my cheeks, and I looked away from him, suddenly feeling exposed under his watching eyes. He leant in closer and whispered in my ear.

"Did I make your heart race, sweetheart?" THAT made me snap out of it. 

"N-N-NO!!! Why would you think that?!" I snapped back at him, avoiding his face. Even without looking at him, I already knew he was smirking at me. 

"I know I did, guess you return my feelings then! Why I am flattered!"

"H-HEY! I would never return your feelings I HATE YOU!"

"Love ya too sweetheart!"


Hello there people, did you enjoy this episode? I definitely enjoyed writing it. One-shot's are exhausting to write because I tend to drift into too much description. I was writing this chapter and spent 300 words on describing the evening, and thought this would be WAY too long to read!

Thanks my fellow Hamilton family for reading this, any suggestions drop it in the comments. Love y'all so much for reading this!

Be potates!


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