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I gotta set some group rules for you guys! Yipee!!!

In this new book series, there will not be:

- NO dissing or abusing Hamilton (or I will hunt you down)

- NO threesomes, or foursomes (or fivesomes or sixsomes or... twenty-one-point-threesomes), I really can't write those...

- NO smut

- scenes... (I think that's smut but still)

- NO extreme abuse, I am not too harsh about this one, but I have boundaries, so I will accept some to a certain extent (Please don't make Aaron Burr shove Alex through a meatgrinder, I'd be age-restricted!)

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I think that's its

for now...

I WILL edit this if I think of any other factors to include as a heads-up

I recommend that you at least understand the musical- but if your a lazy person like me who can't be bothered to sit down and listen to something I have never listened to for 2 hours, I don't blame you- to understand the story, since this are sorta follow-up scenes after a scene from the musical, but if you don't like Hamilton, I recommend you DON'T maybe read it? That is unless you'd rather me kill you and chop you up and package every one of your body parts and send it to your parents and then kill you-

ya know what... I'm gonna stop right there 

I will put age restrictions just because I may go slightly... overboard with details, so here is a little key for when I do (NO I WILL not put a translation every time I use it, your fault for skipping it, deal with it :p)

T- Tolerant (12+)

M- Mediocre (15+)

E- Extreme (18+) Proooooobably won't be using this much hahaha...

G- Get-a-life (:p)

There may be some little announcements for this series, I dunno, but I will try and keep this going for as long as possible, and its up to YOU TOO, AUDIENCE, to give me suggestions. Currently, at this date of release (11/04/2020), I have only 5 ships, and I am definitely still open to suggestions, so ROLL IN MY FELLOW BRETHREN ARMY OF HAMILTON ADORERS!!!

That's pretty much all I need to say! All that's left is happy reading and...

Be potates!


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