Angelica x Aaron

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Welcome back folks to another T rated one shot. Ready to get your Hamilton on? Didn't think so, you've been a great crowd! (At this rate, I am going to lose my job...)

[Burr's POV]

"Is it a question of 'if' Burr or 'which one'?" Ahem Alexander Hamilton, is that a challenge I hear you say? Well then game on brother! I already see him making his way to Angelica, who was then dragged over to Eliza. Oh, it's on! Whilst he's over there, trying to flirt with Angelica and Eliza, I walked on over to Peggy, who was drinking some wine from the bar. I've got to admit, Peggy was like her sisters: pretty, cute, sassy and good, but a little too innocent for my liking.

I introduced myself to get her attention. "Hey there missy, you're looking pretty fine today!" I gave her a little smirk, to see if she was into that kind of type, and it must've worked, because she rolled her eyes, grinning.

"Fiiiiinally! A suitor comes to me first instead of my sisters!"

"Ha, well sorry to burst your bubble but I only came to you because your sisters were occupied by Hamilton, you know him, right?" Peggy pouted at the statement and looked into the direction of her sister, then rolled her eyes at the question.

"I haven't heard much of him, besides him being Aaron Burr's friend, but I have heard lots about his looks from Eliza being all "googly eyes" all over him. And honestly, I've heard enough!" I laughed at her childish complaining, at the fact that it's very "unladylike". I was also shocked about her: she actually knows me more than Hamilton?! There is no way I'm going to go after her! She's like my little sister! Plus she seems like the type to make the first move anyway. Well, I can still intimidate Alex by engaging myself in a conversation, so he can have a sense of loss. Ha!

"So, you've heard of me before!" I gave her a wink, and she did a double-take, before realising that I was the "Burr" she was talking about.

"W-w-wait! YOU are THE Aaron Burr?! As in THE ACTUAL Aaron Burr?! Oh my God! Am I actually... Are YOU talking to ME?!" I tried not to burst out laughing at her sudden realisation and touched at the same time. She actually knew about me! I took a glance over at Hamilton after leaving Peggy to keep stuttering, only to realise Angelica was staring fiercely into my eyes. Eesh...

"I'll leave you to it!" she said, before leaving them and running into my direction, anger and the need to protect written all across her pretty face. Well... At least she noticed me?! Is Peggy going to be in trouble, or am I about to get my ass whooped?! Oops, bad language!

"Um... Peggy, I hate to alarm you, but we kind of got a crisis. Remember Angelica?" she immediately stopped rambling, and stood in front of me.

"You stay there and say nothing, I will do the talking!" she said, gritting her teeth. I did exactly as she said, for this is Angelica, the oldest and protective sister, we are talking about!

"Peggy! I see you are having fun at this ball!" she said, and I can tell, by the way she shoots daggers every time she looks at me, it's taking all of her willpower to stop lashing out at me and losing her reputation. What? Do you think all girls are always ladylike? Try taking out a girl with anger issues and a sharp tongue for one date and THEN tell me!

"Angelica, stop being a mum, and enjoy the party like I am!" she says coolly. I have no idea how she managed to remain so composed, but a part of me is praying that she wouldn't move from that spot. LORD ABOVE! HEAR MY CRIES, FOR I AM TO BE SLAUGHTERED BY THIS WOMAN IN FRONT OF ME IN A MATTER OF MINUTES! HAVE MERCY ON MY SOUL!!!

Angelica rolled her eyes, and I gulped a little. This anticipation is killing me!!

"Alright then. Your presence is needed at the front soon so I'd advise you to go there now!" she calmly replied.

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