A Hard Jay's Night

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After seeing Jenn go, I am nervous about my next move. I am going to tell Bayleigh, Swaggy, Kaycee, Josh, and Fessy about my secret. As Syn, I have bonded with them all, almost more than Nany, Jenny, and Cory. I want them to finally see me in the game and not just as Syn. I am sitting by Rogan and CT when I see Dee and Jay flirting. I know what Dee is doing and I don't mind it but it is going to look bad for Jay. 

I head to the bunk beds and see that Bayleigh and Swaggy have a blanket with their faces on it. Aneesa and I share a look. I get that they are engaged and are my friends, but it is extremely corny to have your faces all over a blanket. Who am I to judge though? My shoes have Christian's face on the inside flap and his number on the outside. I am called into a room with Tori, Jordan, Nany, and Kailah.

We begin discussing Ashley and how much she has stayed the same during her time in the game.

Jordan: Syn, as a prospect, what do you think about Ashley's game?

Syn: From what I picked up on, she seems like a smart girl but is easy to get angry. I think the fact that she feels alone in the game is causing her to jump alliances like she did the last two seasons.

Tori: You watched last season?

Syn: I had a friend on last season's cast show me the season to prepare me for this season. 

Jordan: What do you think of us two?

Syn: My friend told me to trust you two and I take their word for it. You haven't shown me anything bad so far. Same with Nany and Kailah.

Kailah: How would you assess Ashley's game?

Tori: Ashley's changed.

Syn: You're lying.

Tori: I really do.

Syn: You're high. Her social game is phenomenal. She plays the same game every season. She plays a masterful political game because she is able to be a shapeshifter. She's able to get in and tell people what they want. She knows how to laugh and act like she's playing the game. She knows exactly what's going on. She is a lot smarter than what is going on.

Is this me being mad about how she treated me last season and during the off season? Yeah. I still associate her with Paulie and Cara and I want nothing from those two losers to succeed in this game. Ashley might be a sweet girl for all I know, but I know a game player when I see one and Ashley is easily the most social person in this game. She is even better than any female Big Brother player to have ever played. I think she is a great player, but she is not on my side and therefore I need to target her when I get the chance, not if.

Looking around the room, they all agree with me. It feels strange to have Jordan and Tori act like I am their friend and it kind of reminds me of my time last season. I am starting to feel bad about how I treated Ashley and go to apologize to her. I am about to walk into the room when I hear her and Jenny talk. I listen into the conversation and hear that she is scared that I am going to turn people against her. She does not even know who I really am and she thinks a rookie can influence these Vets to turn on her? I'm flattered. I will remember this though when it comes to a girl's elimination day.

I decide to have a go with Ashley and rile her up. I see that I made her cry and I am happy. CT asks me what I did and I play innocent. I call out Ashley for alliance jumping and she storms off, saying that she has made more money than me and that I have no friends. Oh sweetheart how wrong you are. I decide to go to bed to prepare for the next challenge. I wake up and feel like I don't want to win this challenge today. I don't know why, but I feel like it will be bad for me to win. I decide to throw the challenge.

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