Chapter 9

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I couldn't take it anymore. It was our sixth year and I was bored to death.

That night, I begged Death to let me visit my brother, at least to see him. Death surprisingly agreed, so now, I was waiting for it but, throughout the day, Death never contacted me. Sighing softly to myself, I began walking back to my common room, my head cast downwards. I was too deep in my thoughts to notice Sirius who was running in my direction. We collided but Sirius caught me before I could fall. Remus and James soon came from around the corner and tripped over my books that had been splayed out along the floor. There was a blinding light before we knew no more.

I stifled a groan as I opened my eyes.

"Moony, where are we?" I heard Sirius groggily ask.

"Where at...King's Cross station? How in Merlin's name?"

I froze as I looked around. It...It worked. Wait...The others were with me. A minor setback but, nonetheless, I was back in my original universe although still in my Hogwarts robes. I quickly grabbed my wand and transfigured our clothes into those of muggles while I gave myself my trademark dark blue-collar shirt, black pants, dark grey overcoat and blue scarf. Yes, my dearest brother, Sherlock Holmes copied me (I wore this long before he did).

"You can't do magic, you'll be expe-" I cut James off with a silencing charm.

"Shhh. We are in a different universe, here they don't have magic so don't go waving your wand around. Got it?"

"A different universe?"

"Yes. This is my original universe. Before I...died, I lived here. Death gave me a second chance and I was reincarnated as your twin." I knew they wouldn't react too badly to the information as I had been leaving them all a few not so subtle hints over the years. Before anyone could say anything, I shushed him, catching sight of Donovan and Anderson. They did a double-take when they caught sight of me.

"Eurus?" Anderson asked stupidly, as per usual.

"No, I'm queen Elisabeth," I said sarcastically.

"How are you alive? I saw your body at the morgue."

"Oh get your head out of your ass, Anderson. That wasn't my body, that was someone who looked like me."

"Then where have you been?"

"Avoiding you. Although it's not that hard to do, seeing as you like hanging out at the tavern."

"Still a freak, I see." Donovan sneered. I could feel the guys tense behind me.

"And you're still shagging Anderson. Now, if you'll excuse me-"

"Eurus?" I froze, whirling around to see John and Sherlock. I broke into a sprint, tackling them both. Being sent to the other universe had made me soft.

"I-I thought-" Sherlock began but I silenced him.

"I did. Sent to another universe and all. But, I was allowed to come back for a day. 4 hours only." I saw a flicker of hesitation and guilt in his eyes but it was quickly gone. My heart broke but I didn't let it show.

"Can I come?"

"Come? Come where?"

"On your next case," I said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Sure," Sherlock said but again, I heard the guilt that laced his voice.

Once we, the Marauders, John, Sherlock and I were all inside 221B Baker Street, I walked over to my brother's violin stand, picking up his Ebony violin and handed it to him with a small smile. He took the violin, slowly standing up as I brought my own out from my pocket, resizing it, although I made sure John and Sherlock didn't see as I did so. I began to play a soft melody that embodied what I felt at the time, letting the music take over. My brother joined in after a few seconds.

Who You Really Are by David Arnold and Michael Price.

As my brother took his bow off the strings of the instrument, he turned to face me.

"You knew?" He asked the same guilt I saw before, clearly etched onto his features.

"Of course I knew, brother dearest," I replied, hearing 3 pairs of footsteps at the stairs below. The door practically slammed open as my other brother walked in, flanked by two guards that belonged to the Sherrinford Asylum.

"Before this goes ahead, I would like to make a few things clear. I, no matter what you believe, did not conspire with Moriarty, despite prior contact when I was younger. Also, John, I need you to do me a favour. Take care of Sherlock for me will you?" With a flick of my wrist, I stunned all non-magical beings wordlessly and turned to the Marauders.

"James, put your cloak on. No matter what happens, you must keep the cloak on and must not be seen. Don't touch anything or make a sound. I know you won't leave the room even if I forced you to but don't interfere." They nodded, James, pulling out his invisibility cloak he inherited from our father and throwing it over the three of them. Once they were completely out of sight, I obliviated myself from John and Sherlock's memory, but only a few memories from Mycroft's. The difference between Sherlock's and John's was that Sherlock could manage to get a few memories back while John would not remember me at all. The memories that Mycroft and Sherlock kept were the ones about me before I was first sent off to Sherrinford Asylum. I then sighed softly, pointing my wand to where I knew the boys were.


First, the spell hit Remus, then Sirius and finally, James. There was a small thud as their bodies hit the ground, thankfully the invisibility cloak was still covering them. I rennervated Mycroft and the two guards, quickly stowing away my wand and raised my hands in surrender.

"What did you do? How did you get out?" My brother demanded.

"That brother dearest is a secret. Oh, and don't worry, they'll wake up in a few minutes." I replied as the guards handcuffed me. 

As I entered my cell, the guard's gun touching my back, I knew the boys were back in their universe. I couldn't be sent back as I was being held captive, and this time, Mycroft made sure to have a gun trained on me as well as my leg chained to the wall but the metal was long enough that I could move to the other side of the room. 

Elisabeth Eurus Holmes...Or was it Potter?Where stories live. Discover now