Chapter 10

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AN: Spoiler alert! 

If you haven't watched Sherlock Season 4 Episode 4, I advise you to watch it before continuing as it might not make sense. 

Otherwise, continue with the story!

Two years had passed since I was put back in the Asylum. Sherlock had found out about me. I sighed softly, my plan coming together. The plan I had created when I was 12, the last time I was here although this time, there were a few variations. For one, no one innocent died. The security guard and his wife were both drug dealers and the three supposed brothers were three rapists and serial killers I found on the streets that looked quite similar. I never planted the bomb in Molly's house, I just wanted my ship to sail, and I knew Sherlock would never kill John or Mycroft, why do you think there were darts in the first place?


Tears welled in my eyes, slightly obscuring my vision as I separated myself from my brother. His brows furrowed in confusion as I detached myself from him.

"Eurus?" He asked, clearly confused by my actions.

"I love you...Remember that, Sherlock." I said softly, the tears streaming down my face.

"What are you talki-" He was interrupted by a blinding flash of light as I felt myself being transported to the other universe, my body changing so that I was younger though by only a year.

There was a soft crunch as I landed in what I recognised to be the Forbidden Forest. The only reason I was able to recognise the forest in the middle of the night was that the full moon illuminated the small clearing I was in. I began to make my way toward the castle when a loud dog bark stopped me. I turned my head slightly, seeing a shaggy black dog bounding towards me, stopping at my feet, beginning to tug at my robes, nudging me towards the castle. I simply smiled through my previously shed tears, bending down to pet the animagus. A loud growl brought me out of my stupor. Standing from my recently crouched position, I took a cautious step toward the growling werewolf. The black dog took a threatening step forward so that it was positioned in front of me as if to defend me. The werewolf simply blinked in the direction of the dog at my feet before using its hind legs to launch itself at me. I ducked at the oncoming attack, rolling to the left before quickly standing to face the lycan. A large stag bounded over, as the dog and werewolf engaged in a fight that didn't last very long, ending with the dog being thrown into a tree. Seeing the two animagi and lycanthrope were distracted, I closed my eyes, willing my body to change. I felt my skin stretch, my back and shoulder blades burn slightly as new bones grew and my whole body altered. I opened my eyes, blinking as they adjusted to the dark. Before the werewolf could take a swipe at the stag, I huffed, gaining the lycan's attention. It's amber eyes dug into my own emerald-now onyx eyes. The werewolf seemed to be having an internal battle as to whether to attack me or not. I feared up on my hind legs, using my wings to help keep myself balanced, as I let out a horse-like shriek. I huffed once more, digging my hoof into the ground making the lycanthrope back away slowly. Internally grinning, I made eye-contact with the werewolf, slowly bowing my head as a way to show the lycan that while it was the Alpha, it shouldn't mess with me. Thankfully, he got the message, bowing back making me prance over, using my sandpaper-like tongue to lick his head as a way of showing affection.

For the remainder of the night, the dog, stag and rat animagus and I kept the lycanthrope company in the shrieking shack. Once the lycanthrope became human once more, the three animagi turned back, the Gryffindor who took the place of the stag looked around frantically, the other three boys trying to comfort him.

"Sh-she was here! D-did you see her?"

I took that as my cue to change back. All the boys froze, their eyes landing on me. It took them a full 3 minutes before they finally reacted. As if they shared one mind, they all ran over and tackled me to the ground.

"W-where have you been? I-I thought-" My twin began cutting himself off with a shake of his head, although it was quite easy to finish off the sentence for him.

I thought you were dead.

"I'm fine, James. I was visiting an old friend when I was taken to prison because they didn't believe me. Got out yesterday and came straight to Hogwarts." I summed up, keeping my answer vague, slowly but surely standing up, succeeding in getting them off of me.

"When did you become an animagus?" Sirius asked as James discreetly wiped the tears away from his eyes.

"Second year," I answered simply.

"You're pulling our leg."

When I showed no sign of having lied to them, their eyes widened almost comically, jaws dropping.

"How in Merlin's saggy left-"

"It was quite simple really." I began cutting Sirius off. "After hearing a Third year rambling about animagi in the common room, I decided to...investigate. I grabbed the only two books in the library, read through them and, seeing as I was in Ravenclaw, I used that to my advantage, asking Mcgonnagal to sign a permission slip for me to venture into the forbidden section of the library so that I could read more about animagi. I found the perfect book, A Guide To Becoming An Animagus. Of course, after beginning to brew the potion, I then questioned Mcgonnagal about the second animagus transformation. She told me it was quite similar although it did not take as much time nor was there a potion to brew. It required the mental strength but had to be completed after the first. The second animagus, unlike the first, was an embodiment of one's mind, not soul. The mandrake leaf was the easiest task. A month of silence wasn't that hard when you had no friends nor when your brother was too focused on getting into the quidditch team then to talk to his sister." I looked up, pausing as I heard my twin wince.

"Sorry about that." He said sheepishly, running a hand through his hair nervously.

"You shouldn't be. It was a good thing you were too focused on it, otherwise, I would have had to talk to you and you know how repulsing the smell is. Oh, and Remus, here. Pour this over your wounds and scars-just avoid the face, it would be too obvious if suddenly you had no scars." I said handing him a small bottle of phoenix tears.

"Where did you get this?" He rasped, looking at the small bottle in awe. "I-I can't accept this-it must have cost a fortune."

"Remus, trust me when I say it didn't even cost me a cent-"

"Cent? What's a cent?" James interrupted.

"Muggle money. It's basically a knut."

"Oh, then why didn't you just say so?" Sirius said, making me roll my eyes.

"I still can't accept this," Remus repeated, trying to give it back to me but I simply walked closer to the entrance.

"Use it or sell it, you're choice," I replied before walking out of the Shrieking Shack and made my way to the Castle.

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