Chapter 11

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It turned out I had been away for a whole year. It was the first Monday of our Seventh Year. Over the weekend, I reassured my parents I was alright and got my things sorted for the year, assuring the professors that I could keep up with the work, despite missing last year's content. My first class for the day was double Defence Against the Dark Arts with the Gryffindors. I sat next to my boyfriend, Sirius, ignoring the scandalous and envious looks the other girls were giving me.

"Nice of you to join us, Miss Potter." The Professor drawled in a familiar voice making my head snap up.

Of-bloody-course he would be the professor. Seeing as my brother, in this universe, lived a few hundred years ago, it wasn't a complete surprise for people in my old universe to pop up, but I didn't think they would be so...sudden.

"Is there a problem, Miss Potter?" He asked, making me want to punch his stupid smirk off of his face.

"None at all, Professor Moriarty."

"Good, good. Now, for today's lesson, we will be working on Patronuses. I'm sure you all know what a Patronus is?" He paused looking around and seeing people nod their heads. "Good. Now, before we work on our lessons for your N.E.W.T.S, I was thinking we could have a fun lesson, how does that sound?" There were many cheers coming from the students. "Now, all of you will have an extremely hard time producing a Patronus and I will be astonished if any of you manage to produce one this lesson, but, I will be up the front if you have any questions, off you go." He said in an English-accented voice, waving his wand to get rid of the tables and chairs in the room. While he was talking, I had deduced him and deemed him to not be a threat. I already knew what my Patronus was-or more like Patronuses. You see, I had more than one Patronus, I had four. An otter, a hedgehog, an owl and a large shaggy dog. The otter symbolised Sherlock, the hedgehog, John, the owl, Mycroft and the dog was Sirius. Looking around the room, I noticed the Marauders were chatting amongst themselves, not bothering with the lesson while most people had their wands waving and faces scrunched up in concentration trying-and failing-to produce a Patronus.

It was so boring!

As I lent against the wall, I discreetly injected a seven-per cent solution of cocaine into my system. I sighed, closing my eyes as my head fell against the wall, entering my mind palace, solving both past and future murders as something to do to pass the time.

"Eurus? Eurus?!"

I snapped out of my thoughts looking at the people who stood in front of me.

A black mop of hair... Sandy-brown hair... Green eyes... Greying hair...

They were talking to me but I could barely hear what they said.

"Miss Potter, are you alright?"

"Perfectly fine."

"If you're certain. Now, seeing as we have your attention, could you please show us your progress on the Patronus charm. You have been practising, have you not?"

"Of Course I have. Expecto Patronum." I cast lazily, thinking back to the memories of my past life and this life. As predicted, an otter, hedgehog, owl and dog burst out of my wand, circling the room and the students.

"Th-that is very good, Miss Potter. Am I correct in assuming you have cast this before?" I simply nodded, cancelling the spell. "How about you, Mr Potter?"

"Expecto Patronum." He cast cockily as a large stag pranced out of the wand.

Elisabeth Eurus Holmes...Or was it Potter?Where stories live. Discover now