Chapter 13

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We were married the next week. 

I didn't want to leave it too long as I knew something was coming. It had to do with my twin, sister-in-law and nephew who was merely a small lump of cells in Lily's womb. I knew they would have to go into hiding once my nephew would be born, and, soon after that, I knew Voldemort would find them and kill them. 

I hadn't told anyone of my theory, how could I? 

My brother would say that it was fate if I told him and my sister-in-law would do anything to protect her son who wasn't even born yet so, I did nothing, only solving crimes or getting high.


I was expecting this call for a while now, though James and Sirius were not. It was the call that there had been a Death Eater attack at Potter Manor. I calmly made my way inside, scanning the room as I made my way upstairs. Mother and Father lay in their bedroom, his arm wrapped around her body, their limbs in awkward positions, though there was no blood spilt. James had tears in his eyes as he saw them, as did Sirius. I glanced up at them, standing from my previously crouched position, with furrowed eyebrows.

Five sets of footprints into the room, four out.

I scanned the room, looking at how the dust scattered and the patterns it made in the ground half a meter away from my parent's bodies.

"Elisabeth?" Sirius asked, making me turn to him.

"There were four."


"Four Death Eaters. Look at the footprints. Two male, two female-" I cut myself off bending down to pick up a strand of unruly black hair. "Bellatrix Lestrange was the leader. She made the two men-who are no older than us- to kill them. They were hesitant at first and that hesitation cost them. As soon as the killing curse left the first man's lips, killing mother, the second was soon to follow but they both regretted it. Bellatrix saw this. She then turned on the two, torturing the first, yelling at her sister to do the same to the other man who was the younger of the two. Narcissa didn't want to but, she had to otherwise Tom would kill her son." My eyes widened when I realised who the boys were.

"What? What is it?"

"Severus and Regulus."

"What about them? You don't think they-"

"Look at the size of their footprints and their stride." 

Sirius' reaction was instantaneous. His jaw locked, fist clenching. I walked over to him, wrapping my arms around him, holding him as he finally broke down, his emotions spilling out onto the dusty floor as small tears.

Elisabeth Eurus Holmes...Or was it Potter?Where stories live. Discover now