Chapter 8

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It's been a couple weeks since Halloween and Peter have I gotten closer. I'm sitting in my bed looking through my book shelf trying to find a good one to read when my phone goes off.

It's was Peter asking me if I wanted to come over I said sure. If I'm being completely honest I kind of like Peter but only a little bit actually a lot of bit but it doesn't matter because my dad would MURDER me if I dated him so I choose to ignore it.

I walk into my dad and Pepper's room. "Hey Pepper I'm going over to Peter's I'll be back in a bit. And when is dad getting home?" I say "That's ok and your dad should be home tomorrow" I nod then walk into Happy's office.

"Hey Happy can you take me to Peter's please?" I ask smiling he nods and drives me over to Peter's apartment complex.

I walk in the building and take the elevator up to his floor. I knock on his door.

"Who is it?" His Aunt May asks "Mia" I yell I hear her unlock the door.

"Hey sweetie Peter is in his room" she says smiling "Ok thank you" I smile I walk into to Peter's room and open the door to see a shirtless Peter.

"Oh my god sorry" I say going to walk out "No you're good" he says putting a sweatshirt on.

I sit on his bed "So what do you want to do?" I ask "Wanna watch a movie or something?" He suggests "Sure what movies do you have?" I ask.

We walk into his living room and look through his bookshelf full of movies. "Why do you have mean girls?" I ask looking at him "That uh that's not mine" he says I give him a look "Ok" I say turning back to the movies.

"Oh the shining this is a classic can we watch this please??" I asks giving puppy dog eyes "Sure" he says.

He put it in the DVD player and we side on the couch. He rests his arm on the back of the couch and I snuggle closer to him.

The scary part comes and we both jump. As a suspenseful part comes on I feel a hand on my shoulder but I figure that it's just Peter. I hear a yell then I scream and jump so hard I fall off the couch.

I see May standing behind the couch laughing and Peter walks to my side. "Are you ok?" He asks laughing "Yeah I'm good" I say my hands were shaking.

"Oh my god Mia you're shaking" he says grabbing my hand. "I'm good May just scared the shit out of me" I say standing up and sitting back on the couch.

"I'm sorry Mia but I had to are you ok?" She asks going from laughing to concerned I giggle "Yeah I'm fine" I smile.

Peter and I continue to watch the movie. He put his arm back around me.

We finish the movie "What do you want to do now?" He asks "We should make a fort" I say "Oh that sounds found I'll get the blankets and pillows you set up the chairs" he says getting excited I smile at his cuteness then I grab chairs.

We build the fort and Peter finds some old Christmas light and we hang them on the fort then close the curtains and turn the lights off.

We build the fort and Peter finds some old Christmas light and we hang them on the fort then close the curtains and turn the lights off

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Peter grabs some board games and card games. "Let's play uno" I suggest after three rounds of uno I'm about to win my third time.

"Uno" I yell smiling Peter smirks the places down a plus four "You asshole!" I yell he shrugs "Uno" he says then he ends up winning.

I fold my arms and pout "You won three rounds now you're mad because I win one time" he says I turn my back to him.

"Mia it's a stupid card game" he says I still have my back turned to him "Mia I'm sorry" he says laughing. I don't budge " I know what will make you talk to me" he says.

He starts tickling me "Peter" I scream "Stop" I scream in between laughs. "Say that I'm your favorite person and I'm awesome" he says smiling as he's tickling me. "Peter Parker is my favorite person and" I laugh "and he's awesome" I say I'm between laughs.

He stops I catch my breath and sit up. I help Peter clean up the uno cards. Then I pin him down and starts tickling him.

He starts laughing then May walks in "Am I interrupting something?" She asks "He tickled me so now I'm getting payback" I yell over Peter's laughter.

Peter grabs my wrists and it stops me. "Well I'm going to get food what do you want?" She asks grabbing her keys "Chinese food" Peter and I say.

May leaves then Peter let's go of my wrist. I get off of him.

"So are you excited for break?" I ask referring to thanksgiving break. "Yeah but I'll probably mostly be do Spider-Man stuff" he says "Oh yeah sometimes I forget that you are spidey boy" I say.

He playfully rolls his eyes. "Let's make a tik tok!" I say smiling "Ok" he says I stand up then I find a spot to put my phone.

I set up the sound which is the savage dance. "Just do whatever bc I don't feel like teaching you the dance" I say.

I put the countdown timer and Peter is just vibing then the part comes where I 'throw it back'.

As I'm about to do it Peter realizes and stands in front of me. I start laughing. "Peter!" I yell laughing "No inappropriate dancing on social media" he says wagging his finger at me.

I laugh "Ok mom" I say then I go back into the fort. "You're a dork" I say to him. "What did I do?" He asks I just shrug.

May comes back with the food and sets our food down in the fort. "Thank you May" Peter and I say at the same time.

We finish our food and we just cuddle in the blanket fort we are both just playing on our phones and he's running his fingers through my hair.

I set my phone down and slowly drift off to sleep I hear Peter say something before I doze off but I just ignore it.

I wake up to hear Peter and May talking but I keep my eyes closed. "Peter, Happy is here to take her home" she says "Ok" he says.

He shakes me awake even though I am awake. I open my eyes and look at him "Hey Happy is here" he says looking down at me.

I nod then I sit up and stretch. Peter walks me down to the parking lot. "I'll see you at school tomorrow bye" I say hugging him. "Bye" he says hugging me back.

I get in the car with Happy "So what's up with you and the kid are you dating him?" He asks "No Happy we aren't dating he's my best friend" I say and he gives me a look.

"Even if I did like Peter I wouldn't date him because he works with my dad" I point out. Why im the world was he asking about Peter and me?

He nods "So you don't like him?" He pesters "No Happy I don't like Peter" I say laughing.

I hear the screen go down "Well that's good news" I spin around and see my dad. "Dad!" I say excitedly smiling I haven't seen him in a week some sort of secret mission or whatever.

I notice that the car hasn't left the front of the apartment building. I get out of the passenger seat and go into the back I hug my dad.

"Hey how was the mission are you ok?" I ask "It went fine and I'm fine just getting old" he says ruffling my hair. I smile I hug him again.

He talks about his trip then I talk about what happened this past week at school.

I know he was only gone for a week but being a hero is dangerous I never know if he's going to come back. I worry for the avengers too they are my family and I don't know what I would do to myself if I lost one of them.

The rest of the night is very uneventful it consists of me doing my laundry. Starting and finishing 'Pride and Prejudice' which was my favorite book I've read it so much the corners or the pages are wrinkled from the turns.

I take a quick shower I wash my hair and shave the stubble off of my legs. I change into my pajamas and fall fast asleep.

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