Chapter 11

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Thanksgiving and Christmas break have passed it is now the second semester. I get ready for my first day back at school since December.

It's snowing outside but my outfits will not be affected by the weather. I get dressed and do my usual makeup.

I place a black beanie on my head and I walk out to the car. "Hey Happy" I say smiling "Morning kiddo" he says he starts the car and we drive to school.

I get out of the car and I'm freezing. I cross my arms in attempt of staying warm. The snow slowly falls on my face.

I walk into the building and am hot by warmth. I sigh in relief I see Peter standing at our locker. I walk over to him and give him a big hug he chuckles.

"What's this for I saw you yesterday?" He asks "I'm freezing and you're warm" I say he hugs me just as tight. The hug goes on for a few seconds longer then it should and we both let go.

I take my beanie off and my hair sticks out like static I try to flatten it out but it just poofs out more. I give in and put the beanie back on.

"Where are Ned and MJ?" I asks as I see them walking up. I give them both huge hugs.

"Why are you dressed like that?" MJ asks "I told my self the weather wouldn't ruin my outfits which I am regretting a lot" I say laughing.

Peter opens his book bag grabs a hoodie and hands it to me. "Thank you" I smile and kiss him on the cheek as a thank you. I put on his hoodie which is big on me because Peter is taller then me.

We all talk about break then the bell interrupts us.

I go through the school day and I can feel Peter stare at me and it makes me happy for some reason.

Once school is over I get in the car with Happy. "Can we stop by dunkin donuts I need a hot coffee I will buy you one" I say he obliged.

We get to dunkin I grab my wallet and hurry in. I walk up to the counter.

"Hi how may I help you?" He says smiling looking me up and down "Can I get one peppermint white mocha with two sugar and one cream. Can I also get one black coffee and two blueberry donuts." I ask smiling.

"Of course that'll be 15.20" he says I swipe my card and he puts in my order.

I wait ten minutes before my order is ready. I get to the car and give Happy his coffee and a donut.

I realize that I'm still wearing Peter's sweatshirt. I text him *hey I forgot to give you your sweater back I'm sorry. I'll give it back to you tomorrow :)* I send the text and wait for his reply. My phone dings.

*Keep it,it looks better on you anyway <3* I smile and blush.

*You're so cheesy* I reply and I smile.

"What are you smiling at?" Happy asks trying to look over my shoulder at a stop light. I yank my phone away and look at him. "Nothing" I say I rest my head on the window and look out of him.

I get home and continue to text Peter about random stuff. Over both thanksgiving break and christmas break we hung out almost everyday and my feelings for him grew stronger.

I hoped that Peter felt the way about me that I felt about him. I tell him I have to do some school work and I'll talk to him again later.

I finish all my homework and hear a tap on my window. I see Peter standing there with his arms folded he was shifting from his toes to his heels.

"Hey spidey" I say smiling he waves and I let him in. "What's up?" I ask "I got bored and I wanted to see you" he says after he takes his mask off.

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