Chapter 14

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Today is the day of the gala and I have been nervous all day. I was going to be on a date with Peter in front of my whole family.

I try to shake of my nervousness so I can start getting ready. I put on my favorite playlist and jam out while I do my makeup.

I put on a light brown shadow with some gold in the inner corner. I put some eyeliner and false lashes on. I add a neutral pink shade of lipstick. I put my hair in a low messy bun

Then I put on my dress and some black heels

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Then I put on my dress and some black heels. My hands are shaking as Pepper tells me that Peter is here.

Why am I so nervous I've hung out with him plenty of times before why should this be any different. "Ok I'll be out in a minute" I yell through my door.

I do the sharply warm up thing from high school musical because it always makes me laugh when I'm nervous.

I open the door to my room and walk out into the living room. I see Peter was wearing his tux and talking to Thor. I feel like everything stopped because I felt everyone stop talking to look at me.

My face turns red "Woah" Peter says I chuckle "You look woah" he says "You don't look to bad yourself Parker" I say hitting his arm I give him a hug and he hugs back.

"Ok is everyone ready?" My dad asks there is a bunch of yeahs and sure. Then we head to the limo.

I sit next to Peter hoping it will make me more comfortable to be around him. I scoot closer to him and he puts his arm around my shoulders.

"You ok?" He whispers in my ear "Yeah I'm just nervous" I whisper back "Don't be, its gonna be fun" he then smiles making me smile too.

We arrive at the gala and there are already tons of people there. Peter holds my hand and we walk in together.

The hall is still as beautiful as it was last year it amazes me every time. White walls with long windows and carvings above the windows. A beautiful chandelier hanging towards the middle of the room. The sight of people  dancing makes me smile. I exhale deeply I don't know when I was holding my breath but apparently I was.

"Mia" Peter says to me snapping me out of my trance. "Come on" he says and pulls me inside.

"Let's dance" I say and I drag him onto the dance floor. 'Kiss you' by one direction is playing it brings me nostalgia. I smile knowing the song from the first few notes.

I dance stupidly and Peter laughs I stick my tongue. I grab his hands and make him dance with me. He spins me and I laugh. His eyes brighten at the sound of my laugh. "Your laugh is my favorite thing in the world" Peter say I blush and smile. "Thank you" I smile and kiss him on the cheek.

The song ends and a song I don't know starts playing. "I'm going to get something to drink I'll be back" Peter says I nod and just wait for him to get back.

I feel a tap on my shoulder I turn around to see a familiar face. "James" I say smiling and hugging him. He has black hair parted down the middle and hazel eyes.

"Mia it's so good to see you" he says smiling and going into to hug me I hug him back. "You look stunning" he says as we pull out of the hug his hand still on my arms "Thank you, you look good too" I say pointing to his suit. He just smiles.

James was a guy that I talked to around this time last year I cut off all ties with him when I found out he was talking to three other girls at the same time.

I look around for Peter because I really didn't want to be alone wit him. "So how have you been I heard you're going to midtown high now?" He asks "Yeah it's really fun" I say.

"So who was that boy I saw you dancing with?" He asks and he takes a step closer to me I take a tiny step back. I feel an arm around my shoulders and see Peter thank god.

"James this is Peter, Peter this is James he's an old friend" I say he notices my uneasiness so he pulls me closer to him. "It's nice to meet you" Peter smiles and the two shake hands.

The two start talking I can tell Peter is just trying be nice and that he doesn't want to start anything.

"I'm going to get something to drink" I tell the boys I walk away and walk over to the snack table. I see my dad standing by the snack table.

"Hey dad" I say I grab a cup that already has something in it "Hey sweetie are you having fun?" He asks "Yeah" I don't want to ruin his night because I don't like a guy that 'cheated on me' we weren't even official so I really don't have any reason to be mad. But I still am and it's petty.

I wave bye to my dad and walk back over to Peter and James. I take a sip of my drink and it's sparkling juice.

After a few more minutes James walks away so he can talk to someone else. I relax "I'm sorry about that" I say looking up at Peter. "There's nothing to be sorry about" He says to me.

Peter and I walk over to the side and sit down. He doesn't ask me about James which makes me glad. We just talk about random stuff like we always do.

I hear the tune to 'speechless' by Dan and Shay starting to play. I drag Peter out onto the dance floor.

I put my hand on his shoulders he puts his hand on my waist. I hum along to the song looking around the room. I look at Peter "I don't know if I told you but you look beautiful tonight. I mean not that you don't look beautiful all the time-" I cut him off "Thank you Peter" I put one of my hands on his cheek.

He spins me like he did earlier and I giggle. We look into each others eyes we both learn in and as our lips are about to touch I hear the feed back of a microphone.

"Good evening everybody" My dad say smiling "I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for coming and I hope you are having a good time" he says then he turns off the mic. I roll my eyes and Peter laughs.

Peter and I continue to dance until the gala is over. By the end I'm completely exhausted I sit next to Peter in the limo and fall asleep on his shoulder I am glad that our date went well.

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