chapter 3✨

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"I'm sorry." he simply said.

"No, no, it's fine, just... i had a bad day." i said, not wanting to make him feel bad.

"I'm sorry you had a bad day, i just am sorry for being rude. Soda asked me why i was acting that way to you and it's because- i don't know."

"You know, i've been here for like a day. It's okay if you aren't my biggest fan, but maybe one day we can become friends and move on from this." i said because i wanted to end the conversation. if he didn't leave within the next minute, i would explode with tears. he obviously doesn't want anything to do with me. he's here because soda probably told him to apologize to me.

"Okay, can i be honest for a second?" he asked.

my heart dropped. he could literally say anything right now. "uh.. yeah." i said, super awkwardly. damnit.

"It's not that i don't like you. It's just that soda's like my closest buddy. Golly, he's my brother. I just felt like.. i don't know. I..." he trailed off.

you could tell he forgot his "act" as a tuff greaser. he realized how he seemed vulnerable and weak.

"you know i don't judge. you can tell me. if you don't feel comfortable i totally understand that too." i said, wondering what else this boy would say.

he looked at me in the eyes and looked down, thinking if he should say what he wanted to.

"i just feel like he never really hangs around me anymore because of steve and now he has you to hang with too. he loves you! him and the gang have already started talking about what their gonna get you for your birthday. they don't even know your birthday!" he rambled.

i was shocked, i didn't know what to say. i looked at him and saw the hurt in his eyes. he couldn't even look me in the eye. he was obviously embarrassed for letting his feelings out.

"i'm sorry, that was never my intent. but on a more serious note... what are they gonna get me for my birthday?" i questioned and laughed.

he seemed thrown off by this question and laughed. "as much as i don't want to like you, i just can't. not in a mean way- i promise i'm not like that!" he sighed, "i don't know why i'm acting so stupid right now, i'm sorry." he slightly laughed.

i laughed at his nervousness and said "it's okay, i'm like that all the time. stupid."

"what grades do you get? i bet you get all A's and you're just sayin that!" he said.

"Well, my teachers haven't been telling us our grades lately considering i can't go to school. Ya know, quarantine. I mean, i don't have to do the work. What are they gonna do? Email me?" i laughed at my own joke.

pony looked at me with a confused expression and he had a small smile on his face. it was so cute i literally can't-

"what does email mean? mail or something?" he asked.

i laughed hard but stopped when i realized he wasn't joking. "oh! yeah, basically. but like, i don't have to get up to get the mail, i just read it off my phone or laptop or something." i tried to explain it the best i could. it's weird considering i don't have to explain this stuff to people my age. only my grandma, which i guess right now technically is his age. weird. he could marry my grandma in like ten years if he really wanted to. ew. stop thinking.

"oh okay. i thought you were going a little crazy for a second there."

"i mean, i totally am, but.."

he laughed and said "ain't we all? oh and about that book. what was it about? i didn't really get it. like why was the girl so cautious about dating a guy?"

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