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I swung my legs forward, feeling my body become weightless as I flew in the air. The park was completely empty, thankfully, except for me and Blaise. He stood behind me, gently pushing me as I enjoyed the feeling of flying.

"Clem?" he grasped my shoulders, shaking me a little bit. Tears stained my cheeks as he hurriedly tried to wipe them away. "What're you doing here? It's midnight."

I opened my mouth, but no words came out. Instead, I just fell into his arms. I couldn't hide my sobs any longer. Blaise was quick to catch me, placing a soft hand around my neck as I cried.

"It's official," I tried to sound optimistic. It didn't work. "I'm officially a Blank."

"W-what?! For real?!"

He quickly pulled me into the house, the sounds of his parents stirring from their room echoing from down the hall. Blaise sat me down on the couch, running his hands up and down my shoulders. He was always so warm, always quick to comfort me with a smile. This time, however, his smile seemed weaker. I couldn't help but wonder if he was disappointed in me, too.

"I went in to meet the Seer today... and she couldn't find anything. Not a single letter. What am I gonna do, Blaise? They don't even want to look at me anymore."

"It's gonna be alright, Clem. It's gonna be alright."

"How do you know that, though?" I beat my hands against my knees. "What if they kick me out? What am I gonna do then?"

"If they kick you out, we'll take you in. It's seriously not a big deal—my parents have a guest room for a reason."

I dropped my head into my hands, not even wanting to waste any more of my energy crying. I just sat there, feeling Blaise's touch on my shoulders as he whispered comforts into my ear the whole night while.

For a moment, I worried that if I swung too high, I would kick Blaise right in the face. However, following my movements, he stepped back, still able to push me. His soft touch hadn't changed, even after all these years.

"Can you believe that this place is even still open? Why does the city even fund this place?" I exhaled as I felt my body swinging backwards.

Blaise shrugged, quick to catch me as I neared him.

"Maybe they know we come here all the time. I don't mind it."

I smiled. For once, it was a real smile.

I nestled closer into Blaise's chest, feeling his warmth envelope all of me. it was like being in an oven, cuddling with him. But in a good, refreshing sort of way. His warmth filled me up entirely until all I knew was him.

"Y'know," he unintentionally whispered into my ear, "I don't care if you're a Blank. You're still my Clem."

I pushed my face a little closer to his neck, smiling into him as I lost every idea of individuality.

"Thanks, Blaise."

"When did we even start coming here?" Blaise laughed. I looked back at him, spinning my body around to meet his expression. That perfect smile was still there, eternal as the sun.

"Uh, remember when you tried to walk us to middle school and got us both seriously lost? Yeah, that's when."

"How was I supposed to know that it was a left and not a right!"

"If you just read the map I gave you, you would've known..."

Blaise laughed, stepping behind me to grasp the chains as I swung back down to earth. With all of his strength, he completely stopped me, sending my body lurching back into him.

"I'm not very good," he said into my ear, "at following directions."

I smiled, tilting my head back and letting him kiss me on the lips.

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