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[Another mild trigger warning for this chapter: Some harsh words are exchanged and can be particularly difficult for some people to digest. Please proceed with caution.]

Blaise just watched me, staring down at my face with an expectant expression written on his face. I knew what he wanted, and yet I remained silent. I couldn't give in. not this time.

"I'm waiting," he sighed, crossing his arms impatiently.

I remained silent. I shook my head at the realization that my hands were grasping onto my knees again, still as stone.

"Clem. Are you ignoring me?"

I turned over to look at him, taking a sharp breath of air as I processed his expression. Nothing short of rage.

"...I meant what I said, Blaise," I spoke softly, mouth suddenly dry. "And I'm not taking back my words."

He snickered, taking his time walking towards me. He pulled out his phone, taking the screen a few times before clearing his throat.

"'You know what doesn't mean anything? This. This relationship doesn't mean anything to me anymore. All this time you had be believing in a fairytale; that somehow, we'd end up together if we just fucked one more time. But I'm done pushing the things I feel away. I'm done being your baby-doll. I'm done being yours. Goodbye.' That's what you said, right?"

I stayed quiet. God, it hurt so much to breath, but I kept doing it like my life depended on it. Because it did.

Blaise stopped just in front of me, stuff his phone into his pocket.

"Are you out of your mind? After everything I've done for you, you're gonna do this to me? What'd I do to deserve this?"

You're an abusive asshole and I want you gone, I screamed inside of my head. But all my confidence became dust in the wind. I hardly could bring myself to even look at his face, much less reply.

"Clem," he knelt down, reaching for my shoulder. I pulled back. He seemed hurt for a moment, but then just shook the emotion away. "Clem, we've been best friends for so long. I don't want to lose you. You know how much you mean to me."

I looked to the side, trying to focus my attention on anything but him. Apparently not enough for you to have reciprocated my feelings. I pressed my lips together as my body began to heat up. I knew that Blaise could feel my discomfort. His fingertips danced on my thighs.

"Clemmy, Clemmy. Clementine... I guess that I hurt your feelings, huh? I'm sorry. I should've been more considerate. It was wrong of me to do that. And I really want to have your forgiveness."

My head slowly turned towards him. Blaise smiled at me, about to open his mouth when I held up my hand to silence him.

"You don't even know what you're apologizing for, do you?"

He stared at me. That once wonderful smile had evaporated, leaving nothing but a cruel grimace.


"Don't 'Clem' me!" Suddenly the words came out faster than I expected. "You fucking hurt me, Blaise. Like a lot! And then you fucking bragged about it like it was the hottest thing you've ever done. Because in your sick, twisted brain, it was the hottest thing you've ever done. You're a fucking cheater and an abuser and... and... I don't even want your fucking money. I want you out of my life. I'm finally trying to be happy on my own and you're trying to ruin that—"

"On your own?" His smile oozed poison. "Baby, you're not on your own. You've never been one to stand on your own two feet. You think you're all 'empowered', now? That you're a big girl who can fend for herself? Nah, babe, this is just the beginning. Look at you. All you are is a hot piece of ass, a Blank with nothing better to do than just spread her pretty little legs for anyone and everyone who looks at her. You're a fucking slut, and you love it here because you get to pretend that someone actually gives a shit about you for an hour at a time. And don't even think that your boy-toy isn't any different."

"Don't..." My breath hitched. "...d-don't call him that..."

"He's used to be somebody, Clem. But then he met you, and you just dragged him down to your level. How'd you do it, I wonder? Probably convinced him to live with you while you sucked his dick. That's so you, Clem. He just wants to get into those lacy pink panties you just love to wear. He doesn't care about you. Not like I do..."

He reached out to caress my face. I couldn't move. My body was in complete shock; all I could do was listen to him as he tore me down, piece by piece.

"You need me, and you know it, Clem. He doesn't have a future. Don't think that I missed him up there in those booths—he's a slut just like you. Except once he gets a taste for a rich bitch's pussy, he'll be gone in a second. Just like that. And then you'll really be on your own with no-one to turn to."


"You live in a fantasy, alright. A dream where you're the helpless princess, waiting to find her prince charming. Only problem is he's not coming. Because you're not a princess. You're the town whore covered in shit and piss, selling your body because you've got nothing better to do with your wasted life. And yet, someone like me comes along and offers you warmth and love and even money, and you have the audacity to actually talk back to me? Baby girl, it's not me who's messed up. It's you."

"Please, stop..."

I was crying now, feeling his hands slowly travel down my legs and rest at my rear. He was pushing his body against my legs, and the moment they broke apart, he was up against my chest, pressing hot kisses along my neck and shoulders.

"I give your life meaning, Clem. It's all thanks to me that you're not just some homeless bitch on the streets. So... is it really unfair of me to ask for a little something in return? It's not that much, and it's hardly a break from your routine, so..."

I leaned away from him, but he took the opportunity to push me backwards. I landed on my back with a THUD, head slamming against the mattress. When I opened my eyes, Blaise was straddling me, smiling wickedly as he grasped at my breasts with both hands.

"Tell you what," he grinned down at me, "I'll forgive you. I won't hurt you this time. I'll act just like I always have to you and hold back. But I want something from you in return."

I was sobbing at this point, pleads for him to let me go basically unintelligible.

"I want," he leaned forward, breath on my cheeks, "you to do what you always do. Just lean back and let me take care of you. And hey, if you're a real good girl for me today, I'll even let you keep your boy-toy a little while longer."

When I didn't say anything, he shoved his hands onto my throat. I gasped for air, clawing at his hands as he laughed in delight.

"That's not a very good answer, Clem. Try again."

"O... kay..." I managed to squeak out. His grip around my neck lessened as he leaned in.

"Come again?"

"I said 'okay'!"

He relaxed his hands, resorting to rubbing my arms affectionately as he gave me a wet kiss on the lips.

"That's good. I'm glad you're starting to think rationally again. Now, let's get this show on the road, shall we?"

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