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A week passed us by so quickly, Orion and I barely had time to realize that it was time to make a decision. All of my pain finally subsided, both physical and emotional. Orion gave me the most attention he possibly could, constantly giving me little butterfly kisses around my face and offering his never-ending comfort. Soon enough, it was Sunday night, and we lazed around the whole week through. I was cradled in Orion's arms, the television playing my Idiocracy DVD for the third time that week. Bliss washed over my body far greater than any orgasm I had ever had, and it wasn't even from a sexual experience. It was just from being there, with someone who loved me. And that was a taste even sweeter than expensive wine.

But the whole while, Orion seemed out of it. He would laugh and be merry with me, sure, but every now and then, I'd look up to see him staring blankly out the window, lost in thought. Eventually I reached for his face, catching his attention.

"Are you alright?" I said.

"Yeah, I'm just..." he sighed. Slowly, he reached for the remote and paused the DVD, drowning the two of us in silence. A terrible panic crept up my back. He's... not regretting saying that he loves me, is he? "...It's not very manly of me to say, but... I'm kinda scared. For tomorrow."

"Oh, yeah..." I had briefly forgotten about that. Tomorrow was the day Orion was supposed to finally decide on if he was going to commit to it. To becoming a comfort boy.

"I'm afraid of what might happen when I start working there. What if I'm not good at it? What if I'm not actually worth all that money that Mila had promised me? How will I be able to handle being so close to you, and yet still so far apart? It's... really kind of nerve-wracking."

I sat up, catching Orion's misty sea green eyes in my own. I reached for his hands. He watched with surprised eyes as I brought each hand up to my lips and planted two maidenly kisses on his knuckles.

"You'll be just fine. I'm confident that you'll have an easier time than I did. Generally, it's easier for the boys to acclimate to the warehouse life than girls. If you follow your instinct and pick up a trick or two along the way, you'll get a good list of regulars. And as for being with me..." I looked up at him, a warm smile spreading across my face. "...Just imagine that I'm right there with you."

He smiled. It wasn't long before we fell into yet another deep, passionate kiss. Somehow, it was different from all the times I kissed Blaise. Orion didn't bite down on my lips when he wanted me to open my mouth, nor did he push himself into me in feverish desperation to get to my tongue. No, Orion played it simple; he applied a generous amount of pressure to my lips for a few moments before using his tongue to ask for entry. His hands found themselves on my waist; mine ended up on his chest. I traced little circles around his pectorals, thumb occasionally grazing his nipple, earning a soft moan from him.

Suddenly, Orion pulled away, looking embarrassed.

"What's wrong?"

"Shit," he rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm getting a bit too excited. Sorry..."

I looked down and sure enough, he was right; the loch ness monster had come to investigate. I giggled a bit, deciding that it was now or never. I leaned forward, so close our lips brushed against each other.

"You know," I said in a low, wispy voice. "My offer still stands."

Orion looked at me, surprise and flustered.

"But, Clementine, I don't want to force you to do anything you don't want—"

"Who said I didn't want it?" I trailed my fingernails down his chest, feeling the ripples of his skin from his soft musculature. Orion's breath hitched, and he bit his lip as he watched me with wide eyes. So full of innocence, I thought to myself,he's too cute. "The real question is: do you?"

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